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AltWeekly Awards

2010 Arts Feature Above 50,000

1st Place: On the Road to Burma by Randall Roberts , L.A. Weekly
2nd Place: Man on Man by Gendy Alimurung , L.A. Weekly
3rd Place: Chasing Pablo by Robrt L. Pela , Phoenix New Times
Honorable Mention: The Jackson Find by Jake Austen , Chicago Reader

2010 Arts Feature Below 50,000

1st Place: Art on Trial by Edwin Slipek Jr. , Style Weekly
2nd Place: Phases and Stages by Jeff Prince , Fort Worth Weekly

2010 Blog (Group or Staff) Above 50,000

1st Place: Runnin' Scared by Village Voice Staff , The Village Voice
2nd Place: Navel Gazing by OC Weekly Staff , OC Weekly
3rd Place: City Desk by Washington City Paper Staff , Washington City Paper
Honorable Mention: Squid Ink by Amy Scattergood , L.A. Weekly

2010 Blog (Group or Staff) Below 50,000

1st Place: Pith in the Wind by Nashville Scene staff , Nashville Scene
2nd Place: Blogtown, PDX by The Portland Mercury staff , The Portland Mercury
3rd Place: by Santa Fe Reporter Staff , Santa Fe Reporter

2010 Cartoon

1st Place: Failure by Karl Stevens , Boston Phoenix