Wrong Interview, Right Fit: San Luis Obispo New Times Hires New Editor

april 8, 2008  01:42 pm
Wrong Interview, Right Fit: San Luis Obispo New Times Hires New Editor

Ryan Miller
(805) 546-8208

Award-winning veteran investigative reporter Ed Connolly has taken over as editor of New Times, the paper announced Monday.

Former editor Ryan Miller will remain at the paper as executive editor and will also assume responsibility for the production of New Times' sister paper, the Santa Maria Sun, for which he is also executive editor.

Connolly first found his way to New Times after applying for a proofreader opening -- then he wandered into the wrong interview, one for an opening at the Sun. Miller said it quickly became clear Connolly's skills made him a good fit for New Times.

"Ed sort of fell into our laps here at New Times," Miller said. "He was too good of an asset to pass up."

Connolly took over the post on Monday, April 7.

Connolly is a longtime investigative reporter, technical writer, and freelance writer who has spent most of his career in Silicon Valley and New York. He has produced national-level stories on topics ranging from the relationship between U.S. businesses, weapons, and China's People's Liberation Army to the powers of civilian militias. His work has appeared in such outlets as the San Francisco Bay Guardian, L.A. Weekly, The Nation, and the TV news program Dateline.

"Ed has consistently produced the type of stories that challenge the powers that be," said Bob Rucker, who is co-publisher, along with Alex Zuniga, "and that makes him a perfect fit for New Times." ###