Westword Editor Doffs Shirt for Public Television

january 12, 2006  04:16 pm
Patty Calhoun gave up the (cowboy) shirt off her back during pledge week on Denver's KBDI-Ch. 12, and in so doing she gained the attention of the Denver Post (here, third item). What happened, in her words: "The lovely teal cowboy shirt in question spent much of its life in my truck, and only got hauled out for respectable events -- such as AAN conventions and an occasional appearance on "Colorado Inside Out," the weekly public-affairs TV roundtable I'm on. One day, Westword's music editor reported that he'd run into some of the TV techs at a club, and they were talking about how much they hated that shirt. So the last time I wore it on TV, when the host was talking about how it was pledge week but our show was never pre-empted, I said I'd donate the dreaded shirt to whoever pledged $100. Someone did, so during last week's show, I took it off." But don't get the wrong idea -- Calhoun was wearing another shirt underneath.