Pacific Northwest Inlander Builds Brand-New Headquarters

july 31, 2013  10:33 am
Print is alive and well, at least in Spokane, Wash. While newspapers around the country are shrinking — shedding staff and properties just to stay afloat — things are different at the Pacific Northwest Inlander. The paper is growing, adding employees and content, winning national awards for its work and reaching a higher percentage of readers than any urban weekly in America. In October, the paper will celebrate its 20th anniversary.

This week, though, The Inlander marks a different milestone, with an official Grand Opening for its brand-new headquarters in downtown Spokane.

"Our new home represents a turning point for our company. We'll celebrate 20 years of publishing this fall, and ever since 1993 we've been proving that a free, lively weekly that offers real journalism and stays focused on the local community can buck industry trends. We tell stories, but we have a pretty good one, too — unlike so many in our industry, we continue to add readers, pages and new media ventures," says Inlander Publisher Ted S. McGregor Jr.