Home Sweet Hotel

Columbus Alive | July 8, 2005
Given news of Sandra Day O’Connor’s resignation, some of the more controversial decisions the Supreme Court made recently already seem like old news. But Logan Darrow Clements isn’t quite ready to move on from the Supremes’ 5-4 ruling on Kelo v. The City of New London, and his site FreeStarMedia.com is launching a clever campaign to ensure that no one else forgets about it either.

The controversial ruling found that eminent domain could be used to strip ownership of private homes and businesses and give it to private developers, with the argument that if the economic development can generate more tax dollars, it serves the “public good.” (Traditionally, eminent domain was used only to make room for schools, roads and to remove blight.)

Clements’ bright idea? He proposes building the Lost Liberty Hotel at 34 Cilley Hill Rd. in Weare, New Hampshire—where Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s home currently stands. A hotel built atop the former home of a justice who participated in this historic ruling is bound to generate more green for Weare than Souter’s house ever could, right? Among Clements’ cheeky plans are to place a copy of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged in each room instead of a Bible and to serve dishes like “chicken seizure salad” in the hotel’s Just Desserts Café.

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