COG1 and Ruxton Join Forces to Maximize Reach to Gen X/Y Audiences

january 5, 2005  04:00 pm
SAN FRANCISCO -- December 13, 2004 -- COG1, leaders in lifestyle digital marketing to generations X and Y, announced today that The Ruxton Media Group will now represent their sales efforts in the national market.

COG1 is best known for their award winning e-mail campaign designs and their targeted e-mail databases. The Ruxton Media Group develops integrated marketing programs for reaching this same audience.

The leaders of COG1 and Ruxton hailed the collaboration as the ultimate media mix for the 18-34 demographic.

"Ruxton is the go-to group when it comes to young urban adults. They've reached this market through their alternative papers, events and promotions for 18 years, and we are excited that they'll be helping us bring our unique products to an important group of advertisers," said Adam Bunshoft, COG1's Co-Founder and Vice President of Sales.

Along with alternative weeklies and college papers, Ruxton specializes in reaching the 18-34 year old audience through Web site advertising, street marketing, events and promotions.

"This union with COG1 will allow us to serve clients across the country, whether we represent a paper in a particular market or not," said Michele Laven, Ruxton's President, "young adults today watch less television and are constantly on the go. The Ruxton Media Group believes the key to successfully reaching this audience is to target them where they live."

COG1's award-winning e-mail campaign designs have won them coveted Clio awards, as well as awards from AdWeek, Ad Tech and Media Magazine. The company manages a double opt-in database of more than 3 million Gen X and Gen Y e-mail addresses and provide technological infrastructure for day-to-day operations of e-mail campaigns.

"A typical 18-34 year old might start the weekend at a coffee house with a copy of one of our alternative weeklies, and then e-mail her friends about the hot DJ in town Saturday night that she saw," Ruxton's Laven said. "Then at the club they'll sign up for the club's e-mail list to find out about the next great event. We find ways to successfully integrate into this lifestyle."

To learn more about COG1 and the Ruxton Media Group go to or call 1-888-2RUXTON (1-888-278-9866).

Stacey Lindsay