ACLU Head to Speak at AAN Convention

Nadine Strossen to Keynote First Amendment Lunch.

january 27, 1999  11:50 am
Beautiful people, good conversation, the exchange of more information than your brain can possibly absorb. As if you needed another reason to attend the 22nd Annual AAN Convention.

Nevertheless, we have one: American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU] President and New York University Law School Professor Nadine Strossen will be the First Amendment Luncheon speaker. Strossen will address the luncheon audience on Saturday, May 29, the final day of the convention.

Before starting her career in academia, Strossen practiced law for nine years in her hometown of Minneapolis and in New York City. During the course of her career, Strossen has become an expert in the areas of constitutional law, civil liberties and international human rights.

She has written extensively and has been published in a variety of scholarly and general interest publications. Her 1995 book, "Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights," was named one of the year's "notable" books by the New York Times.

Strossen is the first woman to head ACLU, the nation's largest and oldest civil liberties organization. The National Law Journal twice named her one of "The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America."

She has made more than 200 public presentations a year since taking over the ACLU's top post. A frequent commentator on television and radio programs, Strossen also writes a monthly column for the e-zine, Intellectual Capital.