AAN Forms Advertising/Marketing Professional Development Resource Center

november 11, 2002  11:37 am
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies is creating a library of professional development materials, such as books, audiotapes, videotapes, CDs and articles.

These materials will be kept in the AAN national office. Any AAN advertising or marketing staff will be able to borrow the materials for the cost of shipping.

“We know you have some of these kinds of materials sitting around your office, or perhaps at home,” says AAN Sales and Marketing Manager Elaine Clisham. “Stuff you've read or listened to. Stuff that's been helpful to you so you don't want to throw it out, but that you don't really refer to any longer.”

Anyone with such materials may bring them to AAN West, where they will be collected to start the resource center. At the national office the materials will be cataloged and listed on the AAN Web site, aan.org, for all members to review. For each donation at AAN West, the donating paper will receive a credit for free shipping for one item from the library.

Jeanie Johnson, classified manager of the Pacific Sun, came up with the idea of this library and will coordinate the donation effort. If you have any questions, please feel free to call her at (415) 383-4500 or e-mail her at jeanie.johnson@pacificsun.com.