AltWeeklies Wire
'Last Chance Harvey': Mid-Wife Crisisnew
If you're letting the Golden Globe nominations of Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson for their performances in Last Chance Harvey convince you that this is a great movie ... well, just consider that the Hollywood Foreign Press also regarded Mamma Mia! as one of the best films of 2008.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
01-15-2009 |
Focking Wonderfulnew
When your movie gets riotous laughter out of endless utterances of the word "Focker," it doesn't have to try very hard. But Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman light this film on fire.
Cleveland Scene |
Robert Wilonsky |
12-29-2004 |
I Heart Hegelnew
David O. Russell delivers a comedy that gets both philosophy and funny business right.
Tucson Weekly |
James DiGiovanna |
10-22-2004 |