AltWeeklies Wire
There's Nothing Redeeming About 'The Unborn'new
As soon as The Unborn's end credits started to roll, a guy seated two rows down from me at the promotional screening declared: "That sucked!" I couldn't have said it better myself.
The Georgia Straight |
Steve Newton |
01-13-2009 |
Movie Buzz: 'Bride Wars'new
Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway match wits in Bride Wars while Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino opens in wide release. Movie Buzz looks at all of this week's major movie openers.
Metro Spirit |
Mariah Gardner |
01-07-2009 |
The story of a half-human, half-vampire is made by dorks for dorks. As such, it is lowbrow, freakish fun.
Miami New Times |
Gregory Weinkauf |
12-28-2004 |
Exsanguinators and Other Evildoersnew
Originality is in as short supply as shirt buttons as Wesley Snipes' high-tech vampire slayer meets up with what appears to be a steroidal Eurotrash pimp playing Dracula.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
12-09-2004 |
Tags: Blade: Trinity, David S. Goyer