AltWeeklies Wire
The Only Solid Fact About Robert Johnson is his Music — Everything Else is up for Grabsnew

Robert Johnson might the be the most effective musician in history. He died at 27 and only had 29 known recordings (16 of them produced in San Antonio); his music wasn’t widely played during his lifetime, and few facts are known about his life.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
11-17-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Robert Johnson
Samuel James Takes the Blues Storytelling Tradition into a New Eranew

"I was always a writer, you know, and my father's a fantastic storyteller. I'm sort of a culmination of his upbringing, I suppose."
Colorado Springs Independent |
Bill Forman |
11-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Mississippi Rising
The Coahoma County Survey deserves to be credited as a great success. And now it can be credited to all its participants.
Washington City Paper |
Avi Klein |
12-09-2005 |
No Rest Area Next 100 Miles: the Blue Ridge Parkwaynew
An art exhibition in Asheville, N.C., highlights the regional roadway with works by well-known painters.
Mountain Xpress |
Marsha Barber |
07-09-2004 |