AltWeeklies Wire
Samuel James Takes the Blues Storytelling Tradition into a New Eranew

"I was always a writer, you know, and my father's a fantastic storyteller. I'm sort of a culmination of his upbringing, I suppose."
Colorado Springs Independent |
Bill Forman |
11-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Johnny Winter Promises an Evening of 'Just Blues'new
Few white guitarists have made the same mark that Winter has in the largely African-American genre.
Shepherd Express |
Michael Muckian |
08-18-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: blues, Johnny Winter
Springtime for Winternew
After decades of downhill slide, things are looking up -- way up -- for blues hero Johnny Winter.
Montreal Mirror |
Johnson Cummins |
04-21-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Johnny Winter