AltWeeklies Wire

The Price Is Wrongnew

Freedomland turns a rich, complex book into a poor, simple movie.
Cleveland Scene  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  02-21-2006  |  Reviews

The Moore Things Stay the Same

Freedomland is a most amazing story of sorts, but in the end, its much and often absurd ado goes nowhere and amounts to nothing.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  02-17-2006  |  Reviews

Wait for the Fire Next Timenew

This Richard Price story about simmering racial tension that boils over during the course of a police investigation is scattershot and erratic.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-16-2006  |  Reviews

Bonfire of Inanitiesnew

Gotta hand it to Julianne Moore -- she's turned in a piece of overacting even the Oscars would be embarrassed to honor.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steven Schneider  |  02-16-2006  |  Reviews

Racial Tensions Crashnew

In the spirit of social issue films of the 1970s, Freedomland addresses a hot contemporary topic but nearly fumbles it, as if dazzled by celebrity and a desire to oversimplify its story.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Curt Holman  |  02-16-2006  |  Reviews

Grammar Wreck

The basic language of filmmaking eludes the director of Freedomland.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  02-10-2006  |  Reviews

Bomb for the Holidaysnew

If you want a sweet holiday message wrapped in crap, here's your movie.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  12-03-2004  |  Reviews

Hollywood Product: Cinematic Equivalent to Lump of Coalnew

Based on John Grisham's Skipping Christmas, the movie could gain some depth by revealing characters' motivations the way the book does instead of using dialogue simply as a break between slapstick bits.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Heather Kuldell  |  12-02-2004  |  Reviews

Skip Itnew

Christmas With the Kranks offers an obnoxiously condescending portrait of Regular People who live in the red states and wouldn't think of getting blue at Christmastime.
Cleveland Scene  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  11-29-2004  |  Reviews

Holiday Pap and Circumstancenew

Christmas With the Kranks is a film so utterly denuded of genuine holiday charm that it ranks with Santa Claus Conquers the Martians as one of the most jaw-droppingly abysmal seasonal efforts yet released.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  11-28-2004  |  Reviews

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