AltWeeklies Wire
The Price Is Wrongnew
Freedomland turns a rich, complex book into a poor, simple movie.
Cleveland Scene |
Robert Wilonsky |
02-21-2006 |
Tags: Freedomland, Joe Roth
The Moore Things Stay the Same
Freedomland is a most amazing story of sorts, but in the end, its much and often absurd ado goes nowhere and amounts to nothing.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
02-17-2006 |
Wait for the Fire Next Timenew
This Richard Price story about simmering racial tension that boils over during the course of a police investigation is scattershot and erratic.
Austin Chronicle |
Marjorie Baumgarten |
02-16-2006 |
Tags: Freedomland, Joe Roth
Bonfire of Inanitiesnew
Gotta hand it to Julianne Moore -- she's turned in a piece of overacting even the Oscars would be embarrassed to honor.
Orlando Weekly |
Steven Schneider |
02-16-2006 |
Tags: Freedomland, Joe Roth
Racial Tensions Crashnew
In the spirit of social issue films of the 1970s, Freedomland addresses a hot contemporary topic but nearly fumbles it, as if dazzled by celebrity and a desire to oversimplify its story.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Curt Holman |
02-16-2006 |
Tags: Freedomland, Joe Roth
Grammar Wreck
The basic language of filmmaking eludes the director of Freedomland.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
02-10-2006 |
Tags: Freedomland, Joe Roth