AltWeeklies Wire
Lif After Deathnew
Almost dying gave Mr. Lif a fresh perspective on the world.
Colorado Springs Independent |
Scott Lieber |
05-25-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Neil Hamburger and the New Face of Underground Comedynew

Neil Hamburger is part of a flourishing breed of comic whose style of humor has been branded "anti-comedy," "alt-comedy" and "indie comedy." It's traditional stand-up with an untraditional point of view.
Boston Phoenix |
Ted Drozdowski |
05-26-2005 |
Waxing Prophetic: Edan Makes Hip-Hop For Art's Sakenew
"This shit is a majestic art form," Edan maintains of hip-hop, "and it has the potential to encapsulate the most intricate musical ideas."
Boston Phoenix |
Nick Sylvester |
05-06-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews