AltWeeklies Wire

Revisiting Vonnegut's Player Pianonew

You got to hand it to Kurt Vonnegut: he predicted the destructive power of automation over 60 years ago, a warning that is applicable today.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Lee Miller  |  10-01-2012  |  Fiction

R.I.P., Vonnegut, Five Years Gonenew

Kurt Vonnegut died April 11 five years ago. John Krull remembers their friendship.
NUVO  |  John Krull  |  04-13-2012  |  Commentary

Kurt Vonnegut: The Exit Interview

In this Feb. 2007 interview, the legendary author talks about growing up in Indianapolis, FDR, the KKK and Anna Nicole Smith.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  04-12-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Kurt Vonnegut Talks About Our Screwed Up Worldnew

For the past several years, Vonnegut has insisted that he's retired from writing, but the Bush Administration forced him back into the open.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  04-12-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Blow Me Downnew

Maybe the hurricane was just what Fort Lauderdale needed: It got rid of some cheap aluminum sheds and exposed shoddy workmanship and the government's idiocy.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Bob Norman  |  11-07-2005  |  Commentary

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