AltWeeklies Wire

William Orr's Quest for Better, Cheaper Gas Left Him Facing Prison Timenew

Despite the battery of charges he was convicted of, much of the fraud case came down to a single issue: whether Orr had misrepresented to investors and to the government the potential of the formula he was trying to market -- a fuel blend that he claimed would be cheaper, cleaner and more efficient than conventional gasoline.
Westword  |  Alan Prendergast  |  09-09-2008  |  Environment

Undocumented Immigrants Pay Taxes While Washington Stalls on Immigration Reformnew

A million people, most believed to be undocumented immigrants, will file income tax returns with the IRS this year using Individual Tax Identification Numbers, in the hopes of establishing a work history to show the government they are worthy of citizenship.
New Haven Advocate  |  Nick Keppler and Betsy Yagla  |  04-15-2008  |  Immigration

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