AltWeeklies Wire

How Dancing Desert Stars Informed YACHT's New Albumnew

“YACHT is not a cult,” reads the mission statement of the electronically inclined Portland, Oregon pop duo, who perhaps protest too much. They have a philosophy, a belief system, followers, mystical symbols, a grand council (the YACHT Trust) and a work method that involves trance states
Montreal Mirror  |  Lorraine Carpenter  |  03-07-2010  |  Reviews

Tallying Ability Scores in Indie Rock's Mysticismnew

With more indie-rock bands turning to fantasy imagery in their music videos, which ones are serious about their wizardly ways? A 23-year-old fantasy and role-playing expert helps us sort it out.
North Bay Bohemian  |  Gabe Meline  |  10-02-2009  |  Music

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