AltWeeklies Wire

Cats and the Cooknew

Julia Child's love of felines is detailed in this book, co-written by Tucsonan Patricia Barey.
Tucson Weekly  |  Paul Wine  |  09-20-2012  |  Nonfiction

'Julie & Julia': Cooking For Twonew

The delightful Julie & Julia is full of things often thought to be near-impossible in Hollywood movies.
Eugene Weekly  |  Molly Templeton  |  09-11-2009  |  Reviews

In 'Julie & Julia', Two Biopics Boil Down to Half-Greatnessnew

There's half of a great movie in Julie & Julia -- but since Meryl Streep has already starred in one titled Julia, perhaps it was merely necessary to tack on the "Julie" half to distinguish Nora Ephron's butter-basted effort from its Lillian Hellman's mayonnaise-covered predecessor.
Dallas Observer  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  08-10-2009  |  Reviews

Jules of the Food Worldnew

Nora Ephron’s new film, Julie & Julia, starring Meryl Streep as Julia Child and Amy Adams as her modern-day acolyte Julie Powell, follows the parallel stories of these two real-life cooks. It’s a big, gorgeously decorated, bittersweet confection of a film, one that makes up for much of the lumpy, sugary dreck that Ephron’s been concocting for the past decade or so.
Willamette Week  |  Kelly Clarke  |  08-05-2009  |  Reviews

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