AltWeeklies Wire
Joe Arpaio All-but-Declares Victorynew

Sheriff Joe Arpaio apparently wants to remain Maricopa County Sheriff until he's dead, as he declared his candidacy for the 2016 race immediately after all-but-declaring victory over Democratic candidate Paul Penzone.
Phoenix New Times |
Matthew Hendley |
11-07-2012 |
Tags: Joe Arpaio
Joe Arpaio Lap-dog Wins Maricopa County Attorney Racenew

The voters of Maricopa County have spoken and it appears another Joe Arpaio lap-dog will be the next county attorney.
Phoenix New Times |
James King |
08-25-2010 |
Tags: Bill Montgomery, Joe Arpaio
The Nooses Joe Arpaio and Andrew Thomas Hung Up Must be Cut Downnew
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas have defiled our town square with hanging corpses: five county supervisors, four superior court judges, two county administrators, three attorneys, an entire law firm, and (everywhere) Mexicans.
Phoenix New Times |
Michael Lacey |
01-05-2010 |
Neo-Nazis and Extreme Right-Wingers Love Joe Arpaionew

The Maricopa County sheriff's pattern of courting extremist nativists over the past four years is the natural result of Arpaio's Johnny-come-lately stand on illegal immigration, his immigration sweeps, and his Archie Bunker-like attitude regarding racial and ethnic issues wrapped up in the immigration debate.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
05-19-2009 |
Sheriff Joe Wants to Read the Mayor's Emailnew
When Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon spoke out against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he had to know that retaliation would be swift. It didn't take Gordon long to join the list.
Phoenix New Times |
Sarah Fenske |
05-21-2008 |