AltWeeklies Wire
Seven False Starts About the Death of David Foster Wallacenew

By now you may have heard. The most influential and innovative fiction stylist of his generation, the smartest, funniest, strangest, most endearing and (let's just say it) the greatest writer under 50 in America, killed himself at his Claremont home on Sept. 12.
Los Angeles CityBeat |
Cornel Bonca |
12-05-2008 |
Fifty Years After His Disappearance, Poet Lives Onnew

Renewed attention to Weldon Kees is a peculiar literary revival tale, in which one enthusiast after another seems to discover his own life story in Kees, then proselytizes on behalf of the forgotten poet.
Uncle Gonzo: A Madman Ahead of His Timenew
Paul Rubin knew the journalist when he was more "gone so" than gonzo. Hunter S. Thompson relied on what was left of his reputation to chisel money out of people and to court and mistreat a much younger woman.
Phoenix New Times |
Paul Rubin |
03-08-2005 |
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