AltWeeklies Wire
Jeffrey Katzenberg's Cure-All for the Movie Industry: 3-Dnew

No longer, says Katzenberg, will 3-D serve as a cheap "gotcha" gimmick -- an exploitation hustle -- but as a way to advance storytelling and "emotionally immerse" the audience into the film.
Dallas Observer |
Robert Wilonsky |
12-29-2008 |
For Kid Actors, Quirky is Coolnew
As one of Vancouver's emerging teen character actors, Montana Hunter is happy to be cast as a "geeky nerd" in a tough business that has led to rocky roads for such former child stars as Tatum O'Neal and Drew Barrymore.
The Georgia Straight |
Pieta Woolley |
11-18-2008 |
Kelley Baker Channels His Rage Into His Moviesnew

Baker has made a career of complaining. But his chief gripe is that, while making a movie is easier than ever before--just find a digital-video camera, a boom mic, and some friends--the only way to get that movie seen is through a system of festivals and studios that only bet on sure things and big names.
Baltimore City Paper |
Aaron Mesh |
09-09-2008 |
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