AltWeeklies Wire

The Simple Drama of 'Lemon Tree' Makes for a Powerful Middle East Parablenew

The story, based on a real incident, reads like a fable. Paying attention strictly to the David vs. Goliath surface of it, viewers will be amply rewarded. But Lemon Tree has a number of subtle stories lurking just under the surface.
Weekly Alibi  |  Devin D. O'Leary  |  08-25-2009  |  Reviews

'Lemon Tree': Uprootednew

Lemon Tree is many-sided thing, including an astute political drama, but the film ultimately is about two women forced by circumstance into a rivalry.
Eugene Weekly  |  Jason Blair  |  07-16-2009  |  Reviews

Will Smith on Personal Triumph, Middle East Peace and Obamanew

He's hoping to take what he learned from his part in Obama's election and apply it to a new business investment in the United Arab Emirates -- part of his Seven Pounds-inspired attempt to make a difference in his work.
Metro Times  |  Cole Haddon  |  12-23-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pseudo Arabia

Written and directed by Stephen Gaghan, who scripted Steven Soderbergh's structurally kindred Traffic, the intriguing but finally unsatisfying Syriana is the latest product of the Clooney-Soderbergh salutary-cinema factory.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  12-09-2005  |  Reviews

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