AltWeeklies Wire
The Buck Stops Here: Chapel Hill Mulling the Culling of Deernew
Heeding calls from concerned residents, the Town Council on Monday directed the parks and recreation department to investigate curbing Chapel Hill's deer problem. Councilmembers said the department's proposal to cure the problem by distributing a pamphlet on deer-resistant plants and fences wouldn't solve anything.
INDY Week |
Joe Schwartz |
01-14-2010 |
'Baiting Bambi' Receives Increased Scrutiny as Minnesota Cracks Downnew
Someone had finally bagged "Fred," the legendary whitetail buck of Goodhue County. He was an animal whispered about for years, a cunning ghost that traveled at night and had somehow managed to avoid even Minnesota's most experienced hunters. Until now.
City Pages (Twin Cities) |
Bradley Campbell |
01-06-2010 |
'Deer Management Consultants' Hunt Wealthy Suburbs with Bows & Arrowsnew
You don't hear them. You rarely see them. Although they are all quick with a rifle, they use bow and arrow when they hunt in the wealthy suburbs, because a 500-foot range is required for rifle-hunting and because archery is efficient.
New Haven Advocate |
Nick Keppler |
12-30-2008 |
Animal Issues