AltWeeklies Wire
Wrong Side of the Lawnew
Will Albuquerque’s agreement with ICE impact immigrant victims of domestic violence?
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
08-04-2010 |
An Opportunity to Stand Upnew
Village Voice Media is underwriting the cost of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona's forthcoming litigation against Senate Bill 1070, as well as two other immigration lawsuits.
Phoenix New Times |
Michael Lacey |
05-05-2010 |
Tags: SB 1070, Joe Arpaio
Activists Chain Themselves to Arizona Capitol to Protest Anti-Immigrant Billnew
Nine activists protesting state Senator Russell Pearce's anti-immigrant bill SB 1070 chained and locked themselves to the doors of the Arizona Capitol on Tuesday, forcing the Capitol Police to use bolt cutters to unchain the nine and arrest them for disorderly conduct.
Phoenix New Times |
Stephen Lemons |
04-21-2010 |
Tags: Russell Pearce, SB 1070