AltWeeklies Wire
The Only Color That Matters Is Greennew

Hip-hop and hummus with bestest leftist POTUS candidate Jill Stein.
Dig Boston |
Chris Faraone |
05-06-2015 |
Tags: Jill Stein
Bring the Caucusnew

On the third anniversary of Occupy Boston, a movement alumna gives party politics a try.
Dig Boston |
Robin Jacks |
09-04-2014 |
Tags: Occupy Boston, Occupy
Dig Boston Only Paper to Endorse New Mayor Marty Walshnew

As a rule, in 15 years of existence, Dig Boston has stayed out of the business of endorsing candidates. But last week for the first time, Dig Boston endorsed Marty Walsh for mayor of Boston.
Dig Boston |
Dig Staff |
11-06-2013 |
Tags: Marty Walsh
Shoot The Messagenew

The attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords brought about another finger storm of thunderpoints in the media, each one blaming the other for the rhetoric that seems to be turning our nation into a tinderbox.
Dig Boston |
Media Farm |
01-20-2011 |
Tags: Gabrielle Giffords
Election '08: Delegate Selection in Mass.'s Eighth Districtnew
As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton battle for votes, the Democratic nomination could be decided at the national convention, so local delegates -- and the caucuses where they're elected -- were buzzing. On Saturday, Massachusetts' 10 congressional districts held an election for each candidate.
Dig Boston |
Cara Bayles and Jan Rosenfeld |
04-10-2008 |
The Iraq War: Five Years Too Longnew
As a veteran, an American and a human being, it's my responsibility to ask why people are dying for a government that has repeatedly lied. We all share this responsibility.
Dig Boston |
Liam Madden |
03-20-2008 |
Your Guide to the Candidates' Energy Policiesnew
Every presidential candidate pledges energy independence and fewer emissions. But this country imports more than 200 billion gallons of oil a year. How will we replace that with nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass, which together make up only a fraction of our energy portfolio?
Dig Boston |
Roman Sturgis |
03-05-2008 |
New Hampshire: Passing Gas With Joe Scarboroughnew
I figured when I conned my way into the press bullpen at the presidential debates, I'd be privy to all the perceived benefits of knuckling up with the mainstream elite. The reality was sobering.
Dig Boston |
Dan McCarthy |
01-08-2008 |
Decision 2008: May Contain Artificial Ingredientsnew

We want you to do your patriotic duty and cast an educated vote for the candidate whose artificial behavior and disingenuous actions most suit your own. You know they're all phonies, but which one is your phony?
Dig Boston |
Mike Pangkos |
01-07-2008 |
Pissing in America's Stream of Consciousness: Day Onenew
These presidential candidates are aggravating me with their public displays of exhaustion. They should try getting irresponsibly cocked and hammered, sleeping for two hours and waking up before the crack to steer through New Hampshire's paralyzing cold.
Dig Boston |
Chris Faraone |
01-07-2008 |
Dems Call for Torture Tapes Investigation: Should I Care?new
We've got several high-profile cases of outright contempt in those investigations already, with no substantive response by the Democratic-led committees in question, which would seem to call into question their actual commitment to such things.
Dig Boston |
Hunter |
12-13-2007 |
Protofascism with Bright, Patriotic Logosnew

It's long past time for people to stop treating Fox-style, Malkin-style, Limbaugh-style conservatism as merely a "political" phenomenon -- as of this millennium, it's nothing but a hate movement with neckties.
Dig Boston |
Hunter |
10-17-2007 |
We Are All Mercenariesnew
Blackwater is not the problem, it is a symptom: A symptom of a rush to war on the cheap and without proper planning, and a symptom of our bias toward privatization combined with a failure to establish clear rules for just who these private contractors are accountable to.
Dig Boston |
Baratunde Thurston |
09-27-2007 |
Tags: war in iraq, Blackwater
Seeking Status as (Electoral) College Dropoutsnew

Before a crowded State House hearing room, legislators and activists assailed the College's undemocratic nature, its origins in slavery and the way it concentrates money and attention in a handful of battleground states, to the exclusion of the rest of the country's votes.
Dig Boston |
Paul McMorrow |
09-27-2007 |
Report from YearlyKosnew
It was another conference, another show for your weathered, state-hopping, joke-telling, peak-oiling sometimes-bouncer -- this time, I was in Chicago with comedians from Laughing Liberally to liven up the gathering of liberal bloggers and activists.
Dig Boston |
Baratunde Thurston |
08-15-2007 |