AltWeeklies Wire
Trouble on the Battleship Iowanew

Who are the officers and head honchos steering the USS Iowa in Southern California?
Random Lengths News |
Terelle Jerricks |
10-29-2014 |
ILWU Contract May Hinge on TraPac Automationnew

How far will new technologies go in replacing the workforce?
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen and Publisher |
10-03-2014 |
Business & Labor
The Shortest Distance from Missouri to Los Angelesnew

Before Michael Brown was shot six times by a Ferguson, Mo. police officer about two weeks ago, no one ever thought much or even heard of this small community outside of St. Louis. No one considered the mounting problems of many small Midwest towns in red states like this one, who have suffered through the great recession with job losses.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
08-22-2014 |
Race & Class
Charlie Beck in the Crossfirenew

Accessing LAPD reforms, leadership and the contract.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
08-07-2014 |
Crime & Justice
Pat Derby, Savior of Elephants, Diesnew

Pat Derby founded Ark2000, a 2000-acre refuge for elephants in the Mother Lode where at least one of the alleged pachyderm victims of the Los Angeles Zoo lived out her last days in happier refuge.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
02-25-2013 |
Animal Issues
Office Clerks Outsourcing Strike Ends Years of Fruitless Bargainingnew

After an eight-day strike by the Office Clerical Unit of ILWU idled most of the Los Angeles and Long Beach port complex, the terminals are now bustling again, and the workers and the union seemingly couldn't be happier with the outcome.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
12-14-2012 |
Business & Labor
Making A Green Noisenew

Rushelli Luna and Rhonda Webb, the driving force of Make a Green Noise, make things come alive like the vegetables and flowers they planted in a vacant lot in Compton.
Random Lengths News |
Terelle Jerricks |
12-13-2012 |
SCOTUS Decision on Health Care Law–Was it Really a Victory?new
Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts only said that he found the individual mandate was not supported by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution—since people would be taxed for not engaging in commerce.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
07-02-2012 |
Policy Issues
Building On the Public's Dimenew
It seems like every time certain private investors come up short on their grand development ideas, they want to beg, borrow or steal, money from the public purse with the best of intentions.
Random Lengths News |
James Preston Allen |
06-18-2012 |
Housing & Development
Affordable Housing Out Of Reach For Most Rentersnew
If you’re working a minimum wage job in America, where can you afford to live? Other than your parents’ basement, the answer is simple: Nowhere. That’s according to “Out of Reach 2012,” the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s most recent version of its annual report.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
06-18-2012 |
Adult Ed Gets Reprievenew
While President Barack Obama broadly stressed the importance of education and workforce retraining in his State of the Union address, students, teachers, parents and advocates have been mobilizing to prevent Los Angeles Unified School District from making a half billion dollars in cuts at the expense of adult education.
Random Lengths News |
Zamna Avila |
02-23-2012 |
Retired Industry Expert Joins Gas Refinery Fight in the Los Angeles South Baynew
After spending more than three decades working in the oil industry, Connie Rutter is the perfect citizen advocate to advance the community’s effort to shut the dangerous Rancho LPG tank facility.
Random Lengths News |
Paul Rosenberg |
02-23-2012 |
The Trotsky Projectnew
What does the old Left from the 1950s have to say to today's Occupy Movement?
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
11-22-2011 |
Altadena Man Remembers Civil Rights Struggle On Eve Of MLK Statue Dedicationnew

This Sunday when President Obama dedicates the $120 million Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. in front of the nearly 31-foot tall statue of the man who delivered his "I have a dream" speech there on Aug. 28, 1963, one Altadena man will feel especially stirred by the events. This Sunday will be about celebrating that speech which occurred 48 years ago to the day.
Random Lengths News |
Lionel Rolfe |
08-26-2011 |
Civil Liberties
Peace and Redemption: One Soldier's Story of an Uncovered Warnew

As part of a two-part series, this issue of Random
Lengths News brings readers the story of Ethan McCord, the soldier who rescued two wounded children.
Random Lengths News |
Zamná Ávila |
07-05-2011 |