AltWeeklies Wire

Flying Solonew

Grant Lawrence takes us on Adventures in Solitude.
Monday Magazine  |  Amanda Farrell-Low  |  10-29-2010  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Ronald Wright Condemns the Short History of Yankee Progress in 'What Is America?'new

It must be tough being Ronald Wright. As a blisteringly insightful historian with eyes as much on the future as the past, it’s easy to imagine how painful it must be to live here in the early 21st century and watch as the United States leaves a trail of blood across the globe.
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  09-18-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

This Really is Burning Man

Given that Burning Man is a festival that can hardly be documented, this book does a great job of documenting it.
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  08-12-2004  |  Nonfiction

Picture Book Reveals How the Hairbrush Turns

One flip-through of this cheesy coffee-table book will leave you speechless, because the smiling people in these photographs actually allowed these hairstyles to happen to them.
Monday Magazine  |  Adrienne Mercer  |  08-07-2004  |  Nonfiction

Compendium Lists Sexy Queer Terms and Their Origins

A.D. Peterkin delves into language that would make Roget blush in public . . . but would also make his “membrum virile” stand at attention in private.
Monday Magazine  |  Bill Stuart  |  08-07-2004  |  Nonfiction

Guide Aimed at Cynical Hip Parents Who Still Want to Have Fun

Hip mamas, slacker mamas, rejoice -- it's a tongue-in-cheek parenting book written just for you.
Monday Magazine  |  Alisa Gordaneer  |  08-07-2004  |  Nonfiction

Songwriter Applies His Breathtaking Prose to Fiction

This deftly written novel, part of a series of books by musicians, is an account of a confused, Smiths-loving teenager.
Monday Magazine  |  Bill Stuart  |  08-07-2004  |  Fiction

Teenager Finds Kindness in Her Quirky Mennonite Community

For Miriam Toew's narrator, Nomi, life in a small town is a matter of being an insider or an outsider -- and figuring out which she is presents the main challenge in this novel.
Monday Magazine  |  Andrew Murray  |  07-22-2004  |  Fiction

Gay Protagonist Has Epiphanies and Talking Nipples

Writer Brian Francis makes the life of a queer teenager compelling through simple writing and effective characterization.
Monday Magazine  |  Bill Stuart  |  07-06-2004  |  Fiction

Sex and Drugs Fuel Party Prose

Debut novel from United Kingdom author Niven Govinden gets right to the gritty heart of the party scene.
Monday Magazine  |  John Threlfall  |  07-06-2004  |  Fiction

Author Attempts to Define Canadianness

Douglas Coupland delves once more into Canada's identity—and comes up with a taxidermied fish.
Monday Magazine  |  Jenni Cash  |  07-06-2004  |  Nonfiction

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