AltWeeklies Wire

How Escapees From Nazi Germany Transformed So Cal’s Music Culturenew

Imagine Igor Stravinsky’s ballet “Agon” never being staged, or Franz Waxman’s “Sunset Boulevard” and “A Place in the Sun” film scores never winning Oscars, because they’d never been written — because their creators were denied the right to exist.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Bliss  |  02-22-2010  |  Nonfiction

Columnist’s Book Offers an Overview of the Progress Made by Womennew

Gail Collins of The New York Times has written a book that I consider a must-read: When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women From 1960 to the Present. Run, do not walk, to your local bookstore and get your copy.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  02-08-2010  |  Nonfiction

What a Long, Strange — But Incredibly Fruitful — Trip It's Beennew

There’s a now-old adage that goes, “If you can remember the ’60s, you weren’t really there.” Activist, author and former politician Tom Hayden was there — helping shape those historic times.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski and Kevin Uhrich  |  01-11-2010  |  Nonfiction

Randy Jurado Ertll Seeks to Improve Life for Fellow Salvadoran-Americansnew

Ertll, executive director of the Latino advocacy organization El Centro de Accion Social, documents the trials minority children face in America in his new book, Hope in Times of Darkness: A Salvadoran American Experience.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Megan Sebestyen  |  08-31-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Kwei Quartey Takes Readers Back to His Native Ghana in 'Wife of the Gods'new

Quartey has long harbored a passion for writing fiction, and his debut novel is a mystery set in the land of his birth. The book is laced with vivid depictions of its exotic locale, as well as twists and quirks rooted firmly in the traditions of that African nation.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  07-20-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The 'Outlier' Elephant in the Room is Gender Imbalancenew

Malcolm Gladwell either ignores, dismisses or is utterly blind to the massive gender elephant in the room -- a shocking disregard for the success and failure rates of half the human race.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  07-13-2009  |  Nonfiction

For Scholar, Measuring Worth Must Weigh the Value of Caring Worknew

In The Real Wealth of Nations, Riane Eisler picks up where Adam Smith left off. Smith left out the market's REAL operators: the women who produce most of the caring services of our societies.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Ellen Snortland  |  05-18-2009  |  Nonfiction

Deanne Stillman's 'Mustang' is Heartbreaking and Enragingnew

Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West is an exhaustively researched, eloquently written wake-up call.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Bliss  |  11-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Take Me Home' Takes a Clear Look at America's Foster Care Crisisnew

Jill Duerr Berrick, a faculty member at UC Berkeley's School of Social Welfare, assesses the shortcomings of child welfare and systematically sets an agenda for bettering the lives of the half-million children who live as wards of the state in Take Me Home: Protecting America's Vulnerable Children and Families.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Daniel Heimpel  |  09-29-2008  |  Nonfiction

Former LA County Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi Talks About Prosecuting the Presidentnew

The man who put Charles Manson on Death Row would do the same to George W. Bush, as detailed in his new book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. "I'll leave it up to a jury as to the punishment, but it could be the death penalty," he said.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  08-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Combating Intolerance is a Big Motivating Factor for Author Carolyn Howard-Johnsonnew

Recently named Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment by the California Legislature, Howard-Johnson, author of a book and short stories about Mormons, deftly uses minute details to bring life and depth to her fictional characters.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Liz Hedrick  |  06-30-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Jeff Gordinier on How 'X Saves the World'new

While many of his peers wonder how Gen X got stuck between the baby boomers and today's up-and-coming millennials generation, and how they can still make an impact on the world, he opted instead to write a book about that societal dilemma.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski  |  04-07-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews


Pasadena author Caitlin McKenna finds inspiration in REM.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Karen Apostolina  |  03-17-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

America the Bullynew

Author Chalmers Johnson gives his controversial view of what our nation is really all about.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  09-24-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Bukowski Home Threatenednew

Activists in Los Angeles are calling on artists, writers, historic preservationists and concerned citizens to help save the onetime Hollywood home of poet and novelist Charles Bukowski from possible demolition.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Joe Piasecki  |  09-18-2007  |  Books

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