AltWeeklies Wire

Marriage Equality.

No more excuses. No more delays. No more bigotry. Now.
Folio Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  02-05-2014  |  LGBT

Calling Their Handnew

The success of Florida's largest poker room forces the state to grapple with its addiction to gambling dollars.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  03-28-2013  |  Policy Issues

How Can I Go On Living Without Google Reader?new

Google Reader is dead. Now what?
Folio Weekly  |  Ray Hollister  |  03-28-2013  |  Tech


A second-grade assignment symbolizes how far we’ve come — and how far we have to go.
Folio Weekly  |  Denise M. Reagan  |  03-06-2013  |  Race & Class

Education’s Uneven Playing Fieldnew

Let me count the ways that charter schools aren’t public schools.
Folio Weekly  |  Chris Guerrieri  |  03-06-2013  |  Education

Guns Under Covernew

Florida: Where the most concealed-carry permits intersect with 'stand your ground' laws.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  03-01-2013  |  Features

The Practice that Healsnew

After years of being scoffed at as a silly hobby for mystics and hippies seeking peace, love and harmony, the ancient Indian practice of yoga is being embraced by millions of the same Americans who once dismissed it.
Folio Weekly  |  Claire Goforth  |  01-09-2013  |  Health

What’s a Name Worth?new

The Florida entrepreneur behind auctions his last name for 2013.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  01-03-2013  |  Economy

John Delaney: Defender of Anti-Discriminationnew

The story behind one Republican's quest to expand LGBT rights in Jacksonville.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  01-03-2013  |  LGBT

Collision Coursenew

Jacksonville bicycling advocates reeling from recent deaths plead with motorists to share the road.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  12-12-2012  |  Transportation

Helping, or Hiding, the Homeless?new

Officials herald a new day center, while a college project shines light on real people.
Folio Weekly  |  Denise Reagan  |  12-04-2012  |  Homelessness

Pensions Pushing the Limitnew

Jacksonville's impasse is just one example of unfunded benefits creating political headaches.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  12-04-2012  |  Policy Issues

Warrior Artistnew

Artist Jodie Hudson creates art at a prolific rate, despite her deteriorating health
Folio Weekly  |  John Citrone  |  11-28-2012  |  Features

A Cloud of Confusionnew

Many smokers switch to e-cigarettes for health reasons, but officials warn the trend isn’t as safe as some manufacturers claim.
Folio Weekly  |  Ron Word  |  11-08-2012  |  Health

The Artist at Playnew

James Hance helps his daughter escape the pain of her illness through his Relentlessly Cheerful Art.
Folio Weekly  |  Kara Pound  |  10-02-2012  |  Features

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