AltWeeklies Wire
The New Mathnew
Want to privatize schools? You might want to buy up an election cycle or two first.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Chris Potter |
11-28-2012 |
Tags: School Choice
Out in the Opennew
LGBT issues are playing a role in this election, and the outcome could determine if it ever happens again.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Lauren Daley |
10-18-2012 |
Tags: same-sex marriage, gay marriage
Sowing the Seedsnew
Can Obama's grassroots campaign deliver like it did in '08?
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Charlie Deitch and Lauren Daley |
10-12-2012 |
GOP Lawmakers Pushing Restrictive Welfare-Reform Billsnew
Advocates for low-income Pennsylvanians are sounding the alarm about a package of bills in Harrisburg that places serious roadblocks in front of anyone seeking assistance through food stamps, welfare or other social services.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Kate Giammarise |
04-25-2011 |
Changed Man: Is the Party Over for Arlen Specter?new
Pennsylvania's best-known party-crasher is facing "by far the most serious challenge he's ever faced."
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Dan Hirschhorn |
04-05-2010 |
Health Care Reform is On its Way -- But Will it Be Just a Band-Aid Solution?new
This is how screwed up the debate about health care is: When reform critics predict dire results of government intervention, their worst-case scenario is pretty much what we already have.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Chris Potter |
09-21-2009 |
Warning Trend: The Climate Debate Goes Southnew
Here's the problem with the global-warming debate: A society that demands quick answers isn't good at solving problems decades in the making. And the highly deliberative scientific method -- which discovered the climate-change threat -- makes it hard to convince people to do anything about it.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Chris Potter |
07-27-2009 |
Bob Barr Won't Win the White House, but He's Still Fighting to Be Heardnew
The former U.S. Congressman from Georgia has the misfortune of being the Libertarian Party's 2008 nominee for president in a year when third-party candidates have drawn scant attention.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Marty Levine |
10-28-2008 |
The GOP is Tying to Make You Look Stupid. Don't Let
If elected, some of McCain's worst impulses would be reined in by a Democratic Congress. But a McCain victory will be a disaster anyway, because of what it will say about us.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Chris Potter |
10-28-2008 |
Some LGBT Voters Not Sold on Obamanew
In the primary, LGBT voters went strongly for Hillary Clinton; can Barack Obama get them back in time to defeat John McCain?
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Melissa Meinzer |
10-28-2008 |
Activists Say Voting-Machine Software Needs a Dry Run Before Novembernew
After a lengthy campaign to verify the tallies of electronic-voting machines, local activists may have finally found a testing method that elected officials believe in. Getting those officials to do something in time for the presidential election, however, is another matter.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Marty Levin |
09-30-2008 |
Pittsburgh City Council is Like 'Big Brother 9'new
There was a time, about a year ago, when voters could hope that Pittsburgh City Council would be a different place. But with shifting alliances, hidden agendas and bad behavior, the council has become a reality show that is, unfortunately, all too real.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Charlie Deitch |
07-28-2008 |
Unnamed Resourcesnew
The Pittsburgh-Tribune reports on Barack's Obama's alleged ties to communists in his youth. But why aren't they diclosing that the group launching the attacks is funded by billionaire publisher Richard Mellon Scaife. Or as they call him, boss.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Charlie Deitch |
06-19-2008 |
Election '08: Post-Pennsylvania Primary Wrap-Upnew
Many storylines emerged from the primary election that thrust Pennsylvania into the national spotlight. However, one of them wasn't "Who's going to be the nominee?"
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Charlie Deitch |
05-06-2008 |
Introducing the Presidential Passion Quiznew
Not only will the quiz tell you which Democrat you really support, but it will allow you to gauge the depth of that support ... so that you can start preparing for any crushing disappointments that lay in your future.
Pittsburgh City Paper |
Charlie Deitch |
04-14-2008 |