AltWeeklies Wire
Unsanctioned Sicknessnew
With victim-compensation legislation stalled, and the science of asbestos-related disease uncertain, how does the federal government plan to "heal" Libby, Montana?
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
09-09-2004 |
Methane Madnessnew
Montana Gov. Judy Martz insists that Canada assess the environmental impacts of coal bed methane drilling north of Glacier National Park. So why is she giving a pass to the same industry in her own backyard?
Missoula Independent |
Yogesh Simpson |
08-26-2004 |
Iraq Hits Home in Montananew
On August 13, Kalispell's Lance Cpl. Kane Funke became Montana's fourth casualty of the war in Iraq. Kane's public funeral last week showed small-town Montana what it looks like when war hits home.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-26-2004 |
Tags: war & peace
Post's Act of Contrition Not Enoughnew
We are realizing, as a nation, that mass hypnosis is not only possible, but that it’s already happened. In the case of the run-up to Iraq, through the fear and panic sowed by the Bush administration, a vast number of people allowed themselves to be led dumbfounded down the road to perdition.
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
08-20-2004 |
Tags: media
Is B.C. Jeopardizing Glacier to Pay for the Olympics?new
British Columbia sees drilling in Elk Valley as a source of revenue. But with it comes with the possibility of impacting watersheds in Montana, including some in Glacier National Park, with increased salt or metal levels.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-20-2004 |
Maximizing Me!new

The fledgling field of Life Coaching has come to Montana. Our intrepid reporter takes a long look in the mirror and wonders: Is she being all that she can be?
Missoula Independent |
Robin Troy |
08-12-2004 |
Wilderness on Holdnew
Next month the Wilderness Act turns 40. Montana hasn't put it to use in two decades. Is it still relevant today?
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-06-2004 |
National Native Beat Comes from Harvard to Montananew

With Native Americans comprising only 0.53 percent of journalists nationwide, Nieman fellow Jodi Rave's addition to the masthead at Montana's Missoulian as the first full-time daily reporter on the national Native beat is a breath of fresh air.
Missoula Independent |
Robin Troy |
07-29-2004 |
Tags: media
Freedom Fighters 2004: True Patriots Actnew
Three-hundred and thirty American communities have passed resolutions sending a message to Congress: United they stand against unconstitutional provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. Six of these communities are in Montana, and Whitefish is currently debating whether it wants to be number seven. Who’s behind opposition to the PATRIOT Act in the Treasure State, and what’s got them quoting so much Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin?
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
07-01-2004 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: civil liberties
Veterans Say More Care Needed for Those Whose War Wounds Are Mentalnew
Montana veterans in need of mental health care turn to the Veterans Administration's Fort Harrison. But investigations suggest that Fort Harrison is turning a blind eye.
Missoula Independent |
Keila Szpaller |
06-04-2004 |
Forensic Pathologists Work to Solve Mystery of Human Remainsnew

No one ever thinks their bones are going to come to rest in a ditch by the highway, or in the pit of an outhouse. But it happens. And when it does, the bones begin a second journey.
Missoula Independent |
Andy Smetanka |
06-01-2004 |