AltWeeklies Wire

Everything's Coming Up Baconnew

Vegans disdain it; cardiologists red-flag it; but everybody else in America thinks bacon is awesome ... and, it sizzles. Wanton hedonism has never tasted so good.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  02-21-2008  |  Food+Drink

West-Wing Nutsnew

The responsibility. The scrutiny. The inability to have sex with even one of your interns without everyone raising a big stink. This Presidents' Day we ask, Who would even want to be commander-in-chief?
Boston Phoenix  |  David Kish  |  02-14-2008  |  Cartoons

Stop the Pressesnew

After the Super Bowl, publishers poised to release such titles as the Boston Globe's 19-0 had no choice but to eat volumes of inopportune inventory. All this premature ejaculation makes one wonder what other tomes may have suffered similar fates?
Boston Phoenix  |  Neely Steinberg  |  02-14-2008  |  Comedy

So Cute Iz Sickeninnew

If there's anything cuter than a photo of a snuggly kitten, it is a photo of a snuggly kitten festooned with misspelled cutesy text. This has all gotten out of hand.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sharon Steel  |  02-05-2008  |  Culture


If board-game giant Hasbro has its way, there'll be no more online triple-word-scores for Scrabulous devotees.
Boston Phoenix  |  Georgiana Cohen  |  02-05-2008  |  Video Games

Fractured Fairy-Talesnew

If Katherine Heigl's had really been a fairy-tale wedding, a little man who looked like a goiter on legs would have shown up and demanded her first-born.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  01-24-2008  |  Commentary

Defending the Universally Loathednew

From Ashlee Simpson to "Thong Song" to Zubaz pants: we look with loving eyes at some of the worst people, places, and things in the world -- and give them a big hug.
Boston Phoenix  |  Staff  |  01-10-2008  |  Comedy

Ten New Careers for Bill Gatesnew

Best. Desktop support geek. Ever.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-10-2008  |  Comedy

The Needle and the Damage Donenew

After the steroid debacle, how can America's pastime possibly recover its dignity? By looking to the South African truth and reconciliation model.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould  |  12-27-2007  |  Sports

The 'It' Paradenew

In 2008, novels turn to fairies, fashion goes faux green, and Star Trek gets all 90210.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sharon Steel  |  12-27-2007  |  Culture

Browsing Aheadnew

You can't do much when you're dead -- but you can still send email. That's just one internet innovation that will loom large in 2008.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  12-27-2007  |  Tech

Skell of the Yearnew

What with all the murder, shootings, and brutal rape, it's been a sobering year for sports crime. And the "winner" is: Pacman Jones.
Boston Phoenix  |  Matt Taibbi  |  12-20-2007  |  Sports

Don't Catch-Phrase Me, Bronew

A lot of stuff gets said over the course of 365 days, but only the cleverest word-combinations have the staying power to resonate. Try these.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  12-20-2007  |  Commentary

The Complete Rules of 'Playing Guys'new

Playing with action figures isn't random activity, nor is it "playing with dolls," dammit. Learn to recognize the difference between "prbrhhrppchhhh" and "psshewwwww."
Boston Phoenix  |  Steve Macone  |  12-20-2007  |  Comedy

The Princess Bridesnew

Disney weds girlish fantasy with adult desire for, er, girlish fantasy.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sharon Steel  |  12-14-2007  |  Fashion

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