AltWeeklies Wire

Moyer Than a Feelingnew

Antelope's singer brings a punk attitude to the band's restrained music.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  03-23-2007  |  Reviews

Death Metal Takes a Holidaynew

Justin Broadrick uses Jesu to voice both pain and optimism.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  03-09-2007  |  Reviews

The Quality of Percy Is Not Strain'dnew

Even the most seasoned jazzhead will need to plug through For Percy Heath several times, and with patience, to get anywhere -- but despite some chaff, Parker's music succeeds.
Washington City Paper  |  Michael J. West  |  01-26-2007  |  Reviews

Once and Future Kingsnew

A supergroup that plays deliberately un-supergroup music.
Washington City Paper  |  Joe Warminski  |  01-26-2007  |  Reviews

Who Are These Masked Men?new

Clinic goes hunting for an identity yet again.
Washington City Paper  |  Anne Marson  |  01-26-2007  |  Reviews

Simple Mindsnew

The Shins stick to their formula while staying flexible.
Washington City Paper  |  Aaron Leitko  |  01-26-2007  |  Reviews

Fearless Freaksnew

In Stormy Nights improves on 2004's Hypnotic Underworld, a successful melange of traditional Japanese instrumentation, Dutch prog, and Celtic psych-folk.
Washington City Paper  |  David Dunlap Jr.  |  01-19-2007  |  Reviews

Philosophy (on the) 101new

Switchfoot puts the "car" in Descartes.
Washington City Paper  |  Emily Zemler  |  01-05-2007  |  Reviews

Gutter Fabulousnew

Waits gives cheap sentiment the bum's rush.
Washington City Paper  |  Aaron Leitko  |  01-05-2007  |  Reviews

Eternal Flameoutnew

Jay-Z goes from Marcy to Farce-y.
Washington City Paper  |  Sarah Godfrey  |  12-08-2006  |  Reviews

Nice New Outfit

One and one makes twee: MacKaye and Farina get fuzzy.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  12-01-2006  |  Reviews

Note to Self

With Fugazi's "indefinite hiatus" stretching to its fifth year, bassist Joe Lally had to get a new job. He's becoming a frontman -- the hard way.
Washington City Paper  |  Andrew Beaujon  |  12-01-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Plucking Brilliantnew

Ys is Joanna Newsom's coming out as a capital-E eccentric.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  11-10-2006  |  Reviews

Say What?

More angry youngsters than ever before will be able to understand what the Blood Brothers have to say -- which according to the lyrics sheet, may not be much.
Washington City Paper  |  Aaron Leitko  |  11-03-2006  |  Reviews

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