AltWeeklies Wire

How Slow Can We Go?new

Free wireless could make sluggish internet even slower.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Acker  |  07-05-2007  |  Culture

Website of the Week: Lightblueline.orgnew

If all the ice on Greenland melted, global sea levels would rise seven meters -- this site shows were the new coast would be.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Staff  |  06-27-2007  |  Tech

Clear-Eyed Views About Dessertnew

In Classic Stars Desserts, Emily Luchetti's new cookbook, intensity, not scale, is the measure of all desserts.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Paul Reidinger  |  06-21-2007  |  Food+Drink

Hollywood Takes Aim at Online Privacynew

The entertainment industry has finally figured out a way to screw everybody in the United States -- not just the geeks using peer-to-peer software.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  06-21-2007  |  Tech

Website of the Week: ProgressiveLiving.orgnew

Progressivism has a long and proud history in the United States, as this site outlines.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Staff  |  06-06-2007  |  Tech

My Wikipedia Activismnew

If the goal is to preserve knowledge, we shouldn't be wasting our time determining what's notable enough to stay in Wikipedia -- the culture and history of the minor and the obscure should be remembered just as easily as those of the famous and the mighty.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  06-06-2007  |  Tech

Stay Sharp and Slow Down

Or suffer kitchen knife collateral damage.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Paul Reidinger  |  06-06-2007  |  Food+Drink

Ask Dr. Rock: So You Wanna Be a DJ?new

What does it take to be an employed DJ in San Francisco?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Fred Miketa  |  05-30-2007  |  Advice

Criminals of Povertynew

No amount of punishment will ever succeed in lifting people out of poverty.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tiny  |  05-30-2007  |  Commentary

A Hole in the Streetnew

How one homeless man's death impacted the various San Francisco communities he looked after.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Lisa Katayama  |  05-30-2007  |  Culture

Website of the Week: Wikiality.comnew

Wikiality: The Truthiness Encyclopedia is one of the funniest tubes on the Internets.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Staff  |  05-30-2007  |  Tech

California's Prison Insanitynew

The dumbest, most expensive, and least effective solution to crime is to build more prisons -- yet the state legislature and the governor have agreed to spend $8 billion to expand the bloated state prison system.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Editorial  |  05-23-2007  |  Commentary

Website of the Week: PDAAmerica.orgnew

The Progressive Democrats of America are pushing impeachment and other radical remedies for what ails the country.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Staff  |  05-23-2007  |  Tech

The Myth of the Universal Librarynew

A lot of web geeks believe that one day everything ever created by humans will be available online -- without further ado, I present to you three arguments for the elimination of the myth of the universal library.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  05-10-2007  |  Tech

Stop Getting Things Donenew

Tim Ferriss' "getting things done" plan is so extreme that it winds up revealing the dark side of productivity mania.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  05-02-2007  |  Tech

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