AltWeeklies Wire
Flying Solonew

Drexel's one-man figure-skating program heads to the collegiate championships.
Philadelphia City Paper |
J.F. Pirro |
08-07-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
My Love of Yuengling vs. My Love of Unionsnew
The question as a beer-drinker and progressive consumer is not whether Yuengling put the screws on its employees -- they almost certainly did -- but whether the boycott will work.
Philadelphia City Paper |
David Faris |
08-07-2007 |
Mobsters Stay Mum on NBA Ref's Gambling Problemsnew
Philly's wiseguys aren't taking any bets on whether one of their own will ultimately be incriminated in the basketball's high-profile betting scandal.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Brendan McGarvey |
08-07-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Philadelphia's New Samosa Resurrectsnew
The classic space is reborn - with mixed results.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Elisa Ludwig |
07-31-2007 |
Foie Gras Fight: Liver Let Dienew

A visit to the nation's largest foie gras farm sheds light on a growing debate.
Philadelphia City Paper |
David Snyder |
07-10-2007 |
Philly's Veteran Boxers Associationnew
It's where we drink.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Ted Hesson |
06-21-2007 |
Two Minutes With ... Jimmy Rollinsnew
Phillies shortstop on books and violence prevention.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Brian Burke |
06-21-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Philadelphia Goes After Personal Freedomsnew
Defending my right to go charcoal on my own grill.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Duane Swierczynski |
06-20-2007 |
Meow Meow's Glitter Boxnew
The nine lives and times of the NYC cabaret cat.
Philadelphia City Paper |
A.D. Amorosi |
05-29-2007 |
Tags: performance
Original Skinnew
Skin Radio gambles on AM, HD and local music.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Will Dean |
05-22-2007 |
Tags: radio
Paul Glover's Peach of a Plannew
His Philly Orchard Project wants to fill your vacant lot with fruit.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Sam Tremble |
05-22-2007 |
Tags: gardening
Are the NBA's Foul Calls Racially Biased?new
According to Justin Wolfers and his colleague Joseph Price, they are -- the two just released a study finding that NBA referees called more fouls on black players, and black refs called more fouls on white players.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Doron Taussig |
05-15-2007 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Card Shark: National Postcard Weeknew
Deltiologist Donald Brown gets ready to show off nearly a million postcards.
Philadelphia City Paper |
J.F. Pirro |
05-08-2007 |
Tags: history
Inside the Future of Food Marketingnew
First Flavor's Peel 'n Taste strips replicate the flavor of a product using flavor-profiling technology.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Lisa Tauber |
04-24-2007 |
The Weapons We Neednew
It's fun to read about the U.S. government's new and improved ways to profoundly hurt people.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Duane Swierczynski |
04-10-2007 |