AltWeeklies Wire

Is al-Qaeda Near Defeat?new

If it is, no one has yet informed its A/V department. In the past year, Osama bin Laden and his loyal cavemate Ayman al-Zawahiri (the Smithers of jihadi terrorism) have swamped my al-Netfliqs queue with at least 19 audio and video missives between them.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  06-11-2008  |  Commentary

What's the Latest from Pakistan?new

The next big event to keep an eye on in Pakistan is whether President Pervez "The Perv" Musharraf steps down.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  06-05-2008  |  Commentary

Why is Somalia (Hannah Montana Nude) in Crisis?new

Because of the seriousness of your predicament, Somalia, I'm gonna recommend that you use the principles of SEO in a way search engine operators really hate. I want you to cheat the system by changing the way you describe people, places and events in your country so they resemble the names of popular search terms. Trust me, it's gonna work wonders for you.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-29-2008  |  Commentary

What is the Country Reports On Terrorism?new

Country Reports On Terrorism is published each spring by the State Department. The State Department doesn't do it out of the goodness of its bureaucratic heart. The report is mandated by Congress. It is an ugly catalog of who's blowing up whom and it's not pretty.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-16-2008  |  Commentary

Who is Muqtada al-Sadr?new

Rev. Jeremiah Wright is fun for about five minutes, but the temperamental cleric about whom America should be twisting its collective panty into a knot isn't Wright. It's Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-07-2008  |  Commentary

Hey, Hillary, John and Barack, Listen to the Citiesnew

The problems of urban areas are missing from the presidential races, and that's shameful.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  John F. Sugg  |  05-01-2008  |  Commentary

What is the National Defense University?new

While much of the national news media's attention was focused on his holiness and his hot wheels, an important story about the Iraq War broke. On April 17, the elite university in D.C. published a report called "Choosing War: The Decision To Invade Iraq and Its Aftermath."
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  05-01-2008  |  Commentary

What is a Nuclear Umbrella?new

At last week's Democratic presidential debate (the one between Sens. Barack Hussein Lapel Pin and Senator Hillary Rodham-Sniper-Fire), the subject of extending our nuclear umbrella to defend Israel against Iran came up. Sen. Sniper-Fire even suggested that our umbrella should be tilted to shield Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-24-2008  |  Commentary

What Did the Petraeus Hearings Tell Us About the War?new

The primary failure of the media coverage of the hearings is the failure to emphasize that the surge is a set of tactics, not a strategy for victory.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-16-2008  |  Commentary

Is Robert Mugabe Going to Give Up Power in Zimbabwe?new

After 28 years of badly running the country (first as prime minister, and since President Banana's departure in 1987, as president), it looks as if 84-year-old Robert Mugabe is loosening his grip on power. Not losing. Just loosening.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-09-2008  |  Commentary

Don't Panic: Your War Questions

Is the situation in Afghanistan improving at all?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  04-03-2008  |  Commentary

Vernon Goes to Churchnew

DeKalb CEO buys a cathedral from Earl Paulk -- and refuses to answer questions about sex with one of the bishop's flock.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  John F. Sugg  |  04-03-2008  |  Commentary

Why is There Violence in Tibet?new

Don't Panic ... your war questions answered.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  03-27-2008  |  Commentary

What Has the Iraq War Cost?new

March 19 is the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Martha Stewart Living suggests celebrating fifth anniversaries by planting two saplings next to one another so that, when they graduate to treehood, a hammock can be strung between them. I think the doily-pushing ex-con is on to something.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Andisheh Nouraee  |  03-12-2008  |  Commentary

Putting the Bite on the Sharksnew

A Republican lawmaker sees the light when it comes to protecting consumers.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  John Sugg  |  03-12-2008  |  Commentary

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