AltWeeklies Wire
The Poetic Radiance of Elizabeth Alexandernew

An interview with poet Elizabeth Alexander, who is also a playwright, essayist, teacher, and current chair of the African American Studies Department at Yale.
San Antonio Current |
Gregg Barrios |
10-07-2010 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Poetry, Elizabeth Alexander
Hair of the Dognew

El Perrito, a small but growing brand, is becoming known for high-agave-content in its tequila.
San Antonio Current |
Roberto Ontiveros |
10-06-2010 |
Under Suspicionnew

Local civil rights champion Rev. Claude Black lived under FBI surveillance for decades.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
10-06-2010 |
Race & Class
The Chicken's Husbandnew

No other farm animal is as adaptable to small-space living as is the chicken. Chickens are easy, chickens are fun and chickens are in.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey John Jungbauer |
08-11-2010 |
Tags: Chickens!
Bone By Bone: An Interview With Barbara Rasnew
Barbara Ras has been recognized as an American poet of the first rank. Her third book of poems, The Last Skin, was published in March by Penguin.
San Antonio Current |
Ben Judson |
04-28-2010 |
A SeaWorld Ethics Primernew

Animal captivity for food, entertainment, and educational purposes is undeniably a fundamental feature of human civilizations everywhere, and SeaWorld has undeniably fostered a new public awareness of the beauty and grace of its show animals. At the same time, there are compelling reasons to challenge a marine-park industry that may no longer meet our criteria for civilized stewardship of the planet's wildlife.
San Antonio Current |
Jeffrey Wright |
04-14-2010 |
Animal Issues
Tags: SeaWorld
Kangaroo Court: San Antonio's Extra-Constitutional Crime-Fighting Toolnew
By a simple majority vote, San Antonio's Dangerous Structures Determination Board can order a house demolished, any tenants relocated, and send the bill to the owner.
San Antonio Current |
Elaine Wolff |
04-07-2010 |
Housing & Development
Tags: DSDB
'The Runaways': Rock 'n' Roll Herstorynew

Floria Sigismondi has composed an artfully condensed cinematic snapshot that mercifully avoids most of the pitfalls of the celebrity biopic.
San Antonio Current |
Sarah Fisch |
04-07-2010 |
Trippy Visuals From the Department of Whoa, Dudenew
SAMA’s Psychedelic art exhibition — years in the making by David Rubin, SAMA’s Brown Curator of Contemporary Art — is well worth seeing. It’s a surefire psychoactive mood enhancer, at the least.
San Antonio Current |
Sarah Fisch |
03-17-2010 |
Death by Inches: Why Eric Fonseca’s Film Won’t Bring Down the Housenew

The house of Eric Fonseca, the auteur behind the latest stop-motion-animation adaptation of Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher is in no way gloomy or in ill-repair. It’s just another house on a typical Southwest San Antonio street.
San Antonio Current |
Jeremy Martin |
03-10-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
A Tour of the Eco-Friendly, Low-Tech Porn Counterculturenew

What the fuck does it mean to fuck a bike?” Reverend Phil Sano asked the crowd at C4 Workspace on Monday, March 8. The dozens of San Antonians assembled in the community space were about to find out. Sano was screening Bike Porn 3: Cycle Bound.
San Antonio Current |
Ashley Lindstrom |
03-10-2010 |
AtticRep Event Needs Spectators and Spect-Actorsnew
It’s a chilly, rain-slick evening soon after Valentine’s Day, and members of the AtticRep Theatre Ensemble have gathered in a small conference room in the Ruth Taylor Fine Arts Center on Trinity’s campus to talk marriage.
San Antonio Current |
Sarah Fisch |
03-10-2010 |
Nouveau Ambulance Chasers And Justice for Allnew

There was a time not that long ago that lawyers got clients by joining clubs, wearing funny hats, shaking hands like third-place politicians, or coaching little league. Then the Supreme Court ruled that attorneys could advertise, and guys like my father, for good and bad, truly changed the landscape.
San Antonio Current |
Tim Maloney |
03-03-2010 |
Crime & Justice
We Wish it Were Fishier, but the New Sandbar is Still Topsnew
In its new Pearl Brewery location, the Sandbar is still the best seafood restaurant in town, and one of the finest San Antonio restaurants, period, even though it’s suffering from a sort of identity crisis.
San Antonio Current |
Elaine Wolff |
03-03-2010 |
Financial Collapse Plus War Plus Suicide Plus Closeted Men Equals OK Novelnew

Finished in September 2008, the very week that Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, Union Atlantic offers a lucid perspective on the manner in which the greed and venality of a privileged few can drive the economy toward and beyond the brink of collapse.
San Antonio Current |
Justin Isenhart |
02-24-2010 |