AltWeeklies Wire

Naming Rightsnew

Immigration groups in Quebec fear a new provincial policy will seriously undermine their work.
Montreal Mirror  |  Samer Elatrash  |  05-19-2006  |  Immigration

Day Labor Dilemmanew

An amendment on the Sensenbrenner Bill would also chill efforts to build day labor centers.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Dan Abendschein  |  05-19-2006  |  Immigration

Marching Ordersnew

The president speaks, and the immigration fight is far from over.
L.A. Weekly  |  Daniel Hernandez  |  05-18-2006  |  Immigration

Bush the Aliennew

The president angers his base and his new allies on immigration.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  05-18-2006  |  Commentary


An immigrants' rights advocate spells out a fairer, more humane policy.
New Haven Advocate  |  Jorge Baron  |  05-15-2006  |  Commentary

The Asylum Trapnew

Unscrupulous attorneys often prey on immigrants seeking green cards -- now 29 Mexicans have joined the disbarment case against one such lawyer.
SF Weekly  |  Eliza Strickland  |  05-15-2006  |  Immigration

Sleeping Giantnew

Why are U.S. politicians so in love with incendiary immigration politics?
Reno News & Review  |  Dennis Myers  |  05-11-2006  |  Immigration

The New Face of the Labor Movement

Marchers of all races and nationalities protested the bills in Congress that would criminalize 12 million undocumented people and drive from their jobs those without papers.
Random Lengths News  |  David Bacon, Terelle Jerricks and Paul Rosenberg  |  05-10-2006  |  Immigration

Labor Warnew

For the first time, non-union immigrant workers are building Manhattan's high-rise towers.
The Village Voice  |  Tom Robbins  |  05-10-2006  |  Business & Labor

Let's Exile Deportationnew

Undocumented immigrants, like my own mother, deserve better.
L.A. Alternative  |  Robert Scheer  |  05-09-2006  |  Commentary

Hangin' With the Hatersnew

Orange County Latinos faced off against the Orange County Anti-Immigrant All-Stars, the people who can't give you a straight answer about hamburgers but have the ear of Congress.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  05-05-2006  |  Immigration

The Vote Next Timenew

Monday’s massive protests showed that Latinos and immigrant groups are aware of their rising political clout.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Perry Crowe  |  05-05-2006  |  Immigration

No Respectnew

Georgia's immigrants have acted -- what will be the long-term effect?
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Alyssa Abkowitz  |  05-04-2006  |  Immigration

A Day Full of Immigrantsnew

Monday's rallies draw hundreds of thousands for the pro-immigrant cause.
Pasadena Weekly  |  Carl Kozlowski and Joe Piasecki  |  05-04-2006  |  Immigration

Of, For and By Workersnew

It was refreshing to be bobbing on a wave of thousands of ordinary people actually protesting on their own behalf -- not in solidarity with, or in support for, someone else.
L.A. Weekly  |  Marc Cooper  |  05-04-2006  |  Immigration

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