AltWeeklies Wire

Return of the Ruckusnew

Still unhinged after more than an ol' dirty dozen years, the Wu-Tang Clan stage a Shaolin family reunion.
The Village Voice  |  Tom Breihan  |  02-08-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Listening in Real Timenew

This year's Pazz & Jop Critics' Poll pits eclectic neoclassicism versus childhood-oriented avant-primitivism as global warming swamps our history.
The Village Voice  |  Robert Christgau  |  02-01-2006  |  Music

Looking for Blind Joe Deathnew

Earthly appetites: The brilliant and curious career of steel-string demigod John Fahey.
The Village Voice  |  Andy Beta  |  02-01-2006  |  Music

Three Times a Crybabynew

Adams mines American Beauty and Workingman's Dead respectably, but his attempts at early-'70s Neil Young piano ballads come off as tear-stained love letters to himself.
The Village Voice  |  Michael Hoinski  |  01-19-2006  |  Reviews

Hot-Towel Heavennew

An American Idol champ takes exurban road out with map and Bible.
The Village Voice  |  Edd Hurt  |  01-19-2006  |  Reviews

Slim Constraintsnew

Slim Shady's best-of set lets the mass market work in his favor.
The Village Voice  |  Werner Trieschmann  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

Hot Little Weirdonew

The spunky, brainy Colombian sexpot rides her bicycle down the cobblestone street of your mind.
The Village Voice  |  Robert Christgau  |  01-13-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Not Giants in Those Daysnew

A video disc and a big pile of reissues make the case for a '70s prog cult band who were never pompous.
The Village Voice  |  Barry Walters  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

Dazed and Confuzednew

Jim James's alienated roots maneuvers murmur mistily at the world beyond the Bonnarooskis.
The Village Voice  |  Jon Dolan  |  01-12-2006  |  Reviews

Meet the Transparentsnew

Russian lesbians get surly while burlesquers keep giving.
The Village Voice  |  Allison Stewart  |  01-11-2006  |  Reviews

Cat's Cradlenew

Bloat-rockers catch suburbia with born-again yarn tricks at December show in New York.
The Village Voice  |  Nick Sylvester  |  01-04-2006  |  Concerts

Hanukkah Outrocks Christmasnew

This year's Hanukkah could beat out the Christmas competition in New York, thanks to a burgeoning wave of musicians recording and performing individual takes on Jewish identity.
The Village Voice  |  Elena Oumano  |  12-27-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Master and Sacramentnew

In Tribeca, the greatest bluesman standing teases, withholds, and then whams his differentiations all the way home.
The Village Voice  |  Robert Christgau  |  12-05-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Riff Raff Kills Whitienew

Writer Riff Raff interviews two founders of Kill Whitie about their dance parties devoted to killing the whiteness inside.
The Village Voice  |  Nick Sylvester  |  09-09-2005  |  Concerts

Music Stores Mad at Starbucksnew

Starbucks has a six-week exclusive right to carry an acoustic version of Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill. The deal has angered members of the Coalition of Independent Music Stores.
The Village Voice  |  Andy Gensler  |  06-01-2005  |  Music

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