AltWeeklies Wire

At Large Candidate: Leroy Robinson, Democratnew

Candidate responses to NUVO's election guide questionnaire.
NUVO  |  Editors  |  10-20-2011  |  Politics

Select a mayor now, Indianapolisnew

Greg Ballard, Melina Kennedy and Chris Bowen are campaigning to become Indy's next mayor. How will you decide whom to vote for? Let us help.
NUVO  |  Rebecca Townsend  |  10-19-2011  |  Elections

Haiku Newsnew

The top news of the week, encapsulated in 17 syllables.
NUVO  |  Jim Poyser  |  10-19-2011  |  Commentary

Five Questions with Barack Obamanew

The Democratic presidential hopeful on "clean coal," same-sex marriage, the wage gap between the sexes, and more.
NUVO  |  Editors  |  05-02-2008  |  Politics

Five Questions with Hillary Clintonnew

The Democratic presidential hopeful on "clean coal," same-sex marriage, the wage gap between the sexes, and more.
NUVO  |  Editors  |  05-02-2008  |  Politics

Indiana's Voter ID Law Creates Hasslenew

For many in Indianapolis, obtaining the right identification will be very difficult. Those who have never had a driver's license and don't have their original birth certificate still won't be able to get an ID to vote. And the catch-22 is that to get a birth certificate or a driver's license or a passport, you have to have valid ID -- the very thing you're trying to obtain.
NUVO  |  Andrew Prinsen  |  05-02-2008  |  Politics

On Obama's Story of Bitternessnew

When he talked about campaigning in the Midwest, Barack Obama told a story about what he's seen here. It was not a story people are used to hearing, though there was nothing in it most of us couldn't recognize. That's turned out to be a problem for Obama, but it could also be a definition of leadership.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  04-24-2008  |  Commentary

Bill and Hillary Sound More Like Bush Every Daynew

Faced with a tidal wave of support for Barack Obama, the Clintons' response has been nothing short of disgraceful. As soon as it became apparent she was losing, the Clintons took a page from the Nixon and Bush playbook and started fighting dirty.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  04-24-2008  |  Commentary

The Most Powerful Man in the Indiana Statehousenew

It's evangelical lobbyist Eric Miller.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  03-09-2007  |  Politics

Homophobia 101new

Another year at the Indiana General Assembly.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  02-22-2007  |  Politics

The Ballad of John Kerrynew

John Kerry's defeat was a defeat for America, one from which we are still suffering -- that is the saddest fact of all.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  02-01-2007  |  Commentary

Don't Run, Evan!new

Bayh is like John Edwards without the charisma -- and since Edwards pretty much lacks any charisma, that's quite an insult.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  12-07-2006  |  Commentary

Weddings as Wedge Issuenew

Indiana Republican leaders are latching on to N.J. Supreme Court decision extending equal protections to same-sex couples as an election opportunity.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  11-02-2006  |  Politics

Dark Horse Dem Running Strongnew

A year ago, no one thought Barry Welsh could win in Indiana's 6th Congressional district -- but that was before public opinion soured on the war in Iraq and before the Foley scandal heightened public frustration.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  10-19-2006  |  Politics

Upset Year?new

Dr. David Sanders is making his second run at unseating incumbent Republican Congressman Steve Buyer this November.
NUVO  |  Kyle McClurg  |  09-28-2006  |  Politics

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