AltWeeklies Wire
At Large Candidate: Leroy Robinson, Democratnew

Candidate responses to NUVO's election guide questionnaire.
Select a mayor now, Indianapolisnew

Greg Ballard, Melina Kennedy and Chris Bowen are campaigning to become Indy's next mayor. How will you decide whom to vote for? Let us help.
Haiku Newsnew

The top news of the week, encapsulated in 17 syllables.
Jim Poyser |
10-19-2011 |
Five Questions with Barack Obamanew
The Democratic presidential hopeful on "clean coal," same-sex marriage, the wage gap between the sexes, and more.
Five Questions with Hillary Clintonnew
The Democratic presidential hopeful on "clean coal," same-sex marriage, the wage gap between the sexes, and more.
Indiana's Voter ID Law Creates Hasslenew

For many in Indianapolis, obtaining the right identification will be very difficult. Those who have never had a driver's license and don't have their original birth certificate still won't be able to get an ID to vote. And the catch-22 is that to get a birth certificate or a driver's license or a passport, you have to have valid ID -- the very thing you're trying to obtain.
On Obama's Story of Bitternessnew
When he talked about campaigning in the Midwest, Barack Obama told a story about what he's seen here. It was not a story people are used to hearing, though there was nothing in it most of us couldn't recognize. That's turned out to be a problem for Obama, but it could also be a definition of leadership.
David Hoppe |
04-24-2008 |
Bill and Hillary Sound More Like Bush Every Daynew
Faced with a tidal wave of support for Barack Obama, the Clintons' response has been nothing short of disgraceful. As soon as it became apparent she was losing, the Clintons took a page from the Nixon and Bush playbook and started fighting dirty.
Steve Hammer |
04-24-2008 |
The Most Powerful Man in the Indiana Statehousenew
It's evangelical lobbyist Eric Miller.
Homophobia 101new
Another year at the Indiana General Assembly.
The Ballad of John Kerrynew

John Kerry's defeat was a defeat for America, one from which we are still suffering -- that is the saddest fact of all.
Steve Hammer |
02-01-2007 |
Don't Run, Evan!new
Bayh is like John Edwards without the charisma -- and since Edwards pretty much lacks any charisma, that's quite an insult.
Steve Hammer |
12-07-2006 |
Weddings as Wedge Issuenew
Indiana Republican leaders are latching on to N.J. Supreme Court decision extending equal protections to same-sex couples as an election opportunity.
Dark Horse Dem Running Strongnew
A year ago, no one thought Barry Welsh could win in Indiana's 6th Congressional district -- but that was before public opinion soured on the war in Iraq and before the Foley scandal heightened public frustration.
Upset Year?new
Dr. David Sanders is making his second run at unseating incumbent Republican Congressman Steve Buyer this November.
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