AltWeeklies Wire

The Life and Death of coreweeklynew

Yesterday, coreweekly ceased publishing: Despite the work of its staff, its fate was guided by simple business calculations made by corporate executives with no passion for the paper itself.
Isthmus  |  Kristian Knutsen  |  01-27-2006  |  Media

I Saw The Light: A Gay Man's Search for a Welcoming Church

After establishing an identity as a gay man, country musician and alternative journalist, the author realized that "just as preachers and Sunday school teachers used to tell me, I might have a soul, and it might need looking after."
Isthmus  |  Kenneth Burns  |  12-22-2005  |  LGBT

Artery-Clogging Trans Fats Can Hide in Plain Sight

New label laws kicking in through 2005 will make trans fats somewhat easier to spot in pre-packaged foods. But eaters still need to pay attention in restaurants and look closely at labels and ingredients.
Isthmus  |  Linda Falkenstein  |  02-09-2005  |  Science

Seoul Survivor: Busted for Dope in South Korea

Teaching English as a second language in South Korea was a good gig for this recent college graduate and world traveler until he smoked hashish with the wrong people and found himself cought up in that country's draconian drug enforcement.
Isthmus  |  Jason Storbakken  |  01-28-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Spices Make Great Medicine

Spices can easily be added to your everyday foods to make you healthier and increase your sense of well being.
Isthmus  |  Debra Mies  |  01-27-2005  |  Science

The Great Kerry Sex Scandal That Wasn't

While the right-wing press and blogosphere pillories CBS and ABC for their alleged liberal bias, it conveniently forgets how Matt Drudge kited a bogus story last February about John Kerry's supposed affair with an intern.
Isthmus  |  Marc Eisen  |  10-13-2004  |  Media

Dark Sorcery: Horrific Ritual Murders in Amazonia

Kanaima is a form of Amazonian assault sorcery. It is also a prolonged, torturous way to die. Neil Whitehead, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, explains the power and perseverence of kanaima violence in the modern world.
Isthmus  |  David Medaris  |  09-07-2004  |  Religion

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