AltWeeklies Wire

Gov. Bobby Jindal is Keeping It Zippednew

National onlookers might be impressed with Jindal's claims of ethics reform, but in Louisiana, he is earning a reputation for being anything but transparent.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  05-13-2008  |  Politics

Too Many Secrets in Louisiananew

When it comes to hiding the public's business, no state can match Louisiana's executive branch, but that may change soon.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  04-15-2008  |  Politics

Keep the Motorcycle Helmet Lawnew

Louisiana's Legislature will consider repealing the mandatory helmet law for motorcycle riders. We consider that move to be wrongheaded.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos and David Winkler-Schmit  |  04-15-2008  |  Commentary

8/29 Commission -- Nownew

Congress should pass the 8/29 Investigation Act to review why New Orleans' levees failed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to prevent similar catastrophes in the future. New Orleans isn't the only major American city that depends on levees; this is a national issue.
Gambit  |  Editorial  |  03-25-2008  |  Commentary

Vitter Should Resignnew

The recent scandal over New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's involvement with a high-priced hooker provided yet another opportunity for U.S. Sen. David Vitter to disgrace himself and our state on the national stage.
Gambit  |  Editorial  |  03-19-2008  |  Commentary

Ominous Beginning for Ethics Reform in Louisiananew

The kickoff of Gov. Bobby Jindal's special session on ethics reform was foreshadowed by indications that his "gold standard" might be easier to promise than achieve.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  02-13-2008  |  Politics

Who Will Get Louisiana's GOP Delegates?new

Most folks are more concerned about Louisiana's presidential primary on Feb. 9 than the delegate selection process, but that's a fool's choice. The party's nominee could be decided before Louisiana's primary.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  01-24-2008  |  Politics

Bobby Jindal's Quiet Governorshipnew

His historic reign as governor of Louisiana has officially begun, but you'll have to listen hard and watch closely to discern what it's all about.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  01-16-2008  |  Politics

FEMA's Formaldehyde Foiblesnew

Over the past year and a half, FEMA has taken steps, sort of, to address the issue of formaldehyde in FEMA trailers, but the problem remains.
Gambit  |  Matt Robinson  |  01-07-2008  |  Commentary

The New New Orleans Economic Paradigmnew

The New Orleans City Council's recent vote to demolish four public housing projects sent a clear signal that city leaders no longer want the city to be a poor racially divided city but one with a bi-racial middle class rooted in home ownership.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  01-03-2008  |  Commentary

Bobby Jindal's Media Honeymoon is Already Overnew

The Louisiana Gov.-elect's promises of ethical fastidiousness and rapid reform have set the bar so high that every hiccup is now major news.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  01-03-2008  |  Politics

Endangered Species?new

Both national parties have targeted two races in Louisiana as potential turnovers during the 2008 election cycle, but the competition could spread.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  12-26-2007  |  Commentary

Border Politicsnew

Members of Louisiana's congressional delegation are hitching their wagons to anti-immigration bills, many with an eye toward business and industry. The drivers, however, are probably more political than anything else.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  12-19-2007  |  Politics

The Rise and Fall of Bill Jeffersonnew

The once-powerful congressman is scheduled to stand trial on corruption charges in Virginia next month, but the political tide has already turned against him at home.
Gambit  |  Jason Berry  |  12-12-2007  |  Politics

Another Cliffhanger for Marynew

Opponents line up to unseat U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu.
Gambit  |  Clancy DuBos  |  12-05-2007  |  Commentary

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