AltWeeklies Wire

Ire on I-20new

GDOT brushes off claims of vindictive behavior, but charges of illogical decision making in constructing sound barriers are becoming harder to deny.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  03-12-2008  |  Housing & Development

Belt it Outnew

Whether or not you think you've got it, belts can help you flaunt it -- as long as you keep it current and don't go for the '80s look
Metro Spirit  |  Rachel Waters  |  03-12-2008  |  Fashion

Reviewing a Life with Spiritnew

Zanger is a noted basket weaver who has published instructional books and over fifty patterns for weaving.
Metro Spirit  |  Jason E Sumerau  |  03-12-2008  |  Fiction

Mr. Not-So-Smarty Pantsnew

Advice columnists help a woman dating a man with a Harvard-sized chip on his shoulder
Metro Spirit  |  Sid & Cherry  |  03-12-2008  |  Comedy

Tumbling Downnew

Officials fear the Appleby Branch Library's outbuilding will soon crumble. But they don't have the money to make the much-needed repairs.
Metro Spirit  |  Amy Christian  |  03-12-2008  |  Housing & Development

Fight Against Nukesnew

Environmentalists and nuclear activists challenge the Savannah River Site plans to take part in a controversial new "Bombplex 2030" program.
Metro Spirit  |  Murfee Faulk  |  03-12-2008  |  Environment

Plague Bringer: True Grindcorenew

The whole of Life Songs is like a death-grind equivalent to "Janie's Got a Gun" -- brimming with hooks, savagery, and even (beneath the filth and industrial murk) a touch of redemption.
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

Fuck Button's 'Street Horrrsing' Makes My Heart (and God's) Weepnew

It funnels births and murders, dreams and reality, failures and successes through the same clockmaker's lens, forcing upon the listener implications of madness, hope, cosmic mystery, technological horror, and spiritual awakening.
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

'Latin Reggae' Serves a 'Feel Good' Devicenew

Putumayo World Music never ceases to amaze the world. With numerous releases to its name, the label continues to bring forth a mix of music that defies genre.
Metro Spirit  |  Frazia Lee  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

This Rubik's Cube of Unrelated Instruments Melds Nicelynew

The only down side to the album, is the fact that its too short, but for such a brief introduction, it packs a wallop.
Metro Spirit  |  Frazia Lee  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

Big Shotnew

Contemporary rock ballet by Billy Joel and Twyla Tharp puts audiences in a New York state of mind.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  02-27-2008  |  Theater

A New Book from an Old Friendnew

Even after four successful books -- a trilogy of Bottom Dollar Girls novels and a collaboration with the Sweet Potato Queens -- Karin Gillespie got a flat rejection when she pitched her new book to her agent and her publisher.
Metro Spirit  |  Stacey Hudson  |  02-27-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Pop Artnew

It will be "Some Enchanted Evening" when pop legend Art Garfunkel pairs with symphonies.
Metro Spirit  |  John Cannon  |  02-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Jesse Elliot Will Have the Last Laughnew

The twelve tracks offered up here are going to draw the obligatory references to Arcade Fire, Of Montreal and maybe the folkier elements of K Records' stable, but the vibe is all Elliot's, even as he switches from cowboy boots in "The Business" to choir robes in "Burn This Bridge."
Metro Spirit  |  Josh Ruffin  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

Further Down Brings the Classic Rocknew

It's good to hear new bands going back to the tried-and-true combination of lots of lead guitar, rockin' bass, powerhouse drumming and consistent rock vocals.
Metro Spirit  |  Rich McCracken  |  02-27-2008  |  Reviews

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