AltWeeklies Wire

The Year Of The Cheaternew

Why steroids, spying, and all those other sports scandals are actually good for fans.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  10-10-2007  |  Sports

Shriiimp on the Barbienew

Shriiimp, an Allston, Mass., and Montreal-based website and graffiti-artists' collective, encourages taggers to abandon traditional targets and decorate nude women.
Boston Phoenix  |  Caitlin Curran  |  10-10-2007  |  Art

Damn You, Barack Obamanew

Small donors could put Obama over the top, but win or lose, they've have already brought a revolution in campaign financing.
Boston Phoenix  |  Al Giordano  |  09-27-2007  |  Politics

Touched by Gracenew

On Andre Dubus's unending gifts.
Boston Phoenix  |  Nina MacLaughlin  |  09-27-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The 'Things' We Lovenew

Writers extol sacred objects of everyday use -- and uselessness -- in Taking Things Seriously and Evocative Objects.
Boston Phoenix  |  Caitlin Curran  |  09-27-2007  |  Nonfiction

The Greatest Travels Ever Toldnew

Penguin's Great Journeys series excerpts the great texts of travel literature, from Herodotus to Ernest Shackleton, in 10 slender and beautifully designed paperback volumes.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  09-27-2007  |  Nonfiction

Don't Taser-T Me, Bronew

Ah, the sweet stench of Internet entrepreneurship!
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-27-2007  |  Fashion

The Wisdom of Crowdsnew

Randall Munroe, the 22-year-old creator of the online comic xkcd, integrated the time and place into his story line, and 1000 people showed up.
Boston Phoenix  |  Georgiana Cohen  |  09-27-2007  |  Culture

The DEA's Bad-Faith War on Pain Doctorsnew

Drug-enforcement authorities have offer physicians little guidance, yet every year, the feds prosecute a handful of pain specialists for over-prescribing.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  09-27-2007  |  Drugs

2008's X Factorsnew

Independent voters and second-choice surges have the potential to shake up the primaries, boosting Rudy and Barack.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  09-27-2007  |  Commentary

The Dark Behind the Lightnew

Electrically speaking, Eastern Massachusetts hums along comfortably on Colombian coal, but the mines that provide it are devastating land and lives on that country's Guajira Peninsula.
Boston Phoenix  |  Aviva Chomsky  |  09-27-2007  |  Environment

Iran: The Next Crisisnew

Trying to make sense of Ahmadinejad at Columbia will not shed light on Bush's emerging plans to attack Iran.
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  09-27-2007  |  Commentary

'The War' Is Swellnew

Ken Burns's WW2 documentary seeks to impose truth on the legend. Still, the specifics of WW2 have been such a closely guarded (Greatest) generational secret that you want him to say more.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  09-24-2007  |  TV

Has the Islamic Society of Boston Scared the Press Silent?new

Three lawsuits have been dropped, but local media still seems reluctant to tackle the ISB.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-24-2007  |  Media

More Angels in Americanew

Has well-traveled atheist Christopher Hitchens ever had doubts about his doubts?
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  09-24-2007  |  Religion

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