AltWeeklies Wire

Microsoft's Big Betnew

Although the latest version of Microsoft Windows is more than six months from shipping, company brass already have christened Vista as the biggest and best Windows release since Windows 95.
Seattle Weekly  |  Mary Jo Foley  |  03-15-2006  |  Business & Labor

The 60-Day Sprintnew

The Washington state legislature passes measures for gay rights, alternative energy, political reform and better unemployment benefits.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-08-2006  |  Politics

Alternate-Universe Teen Chick Litnew

Michelle Tea's first novel treats us to one breathless day in the life of 14-year-old Trisha and her new best friend, Rose, as they do just about everything anyone warned you against.
Seattle Weekly  |  Angie Kritenbrink  |  03-08-2006  |  Fiction

Screen Shotsnew

Artist "Show-n-tell" collects the mostly anonymous webcam photos and chat-room transcripts she gathered by contacting lonely souls in this book.
Seattle Weekly  |  Heather Logue and Rachel Shimp  |  03-08-2006  |  Nonfiction

Smoke Ringsnew

You wouldn't be wrong to call them sillybillies, but Electric Six's lyrics aren't empty eccentricities.
Seattle Weekly  |  Anthony Miccio  |  03-08-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Plan to Nowhere?new

The Seattle region's ambitious 10-year plan to end homelessness is in serious trouble, undercut and underfunded -- and things are about to get worse, thanks to the Bush administration.
Seattle Weekly  |  Philip Dawdy  |  03-08-2006  |  Housing & Development

You Might Think I'm Crazynew

A good deal of the fun in this documentary, as we follow Chappelle from his Ohio retreat to Brooklyn, is to see how fully he's got his wits about him.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  03-01-2006  |  Reviews

Bitching About the Oscarsnew

Fewer and fewer people are willing to leave their home to see a movie, so why should they even care about the Oscars on TV, or what critics think?
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo and Brian Miller  |  03-01-2006  |  Movies

Pod Peoplenew

Participants in the Seattle "unconference" Podcast Hotel ponder the future of digital music and video.
Seattle Weekly  |  Michaelangelo Matos  |  03-01-2006  |  Tech

Crescent Over Puget Soundnew

Ferrigno's alternative-history novel is set in 2040 Seattle, now the capital of the Islamic Republic.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  03-01-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Hidden Home-Front Experiencenew

Henderson's book follows two newlywed Army wives through the course of their husbands' deployments.
Seattle Weekly  |  Sara Niegowski  |  03-01-2006  |  Nonfiction

A Cellarful of Noisenew

When it comes to an inviting linear pulse, The Cellar Door Sessions box is one to groove on.
Seattle Weekly  |  Keith Harris  |  03-01-2006  |  Reviews

Big Rednew

A patch of Washington farmland reaches for legendary status in the world of wine.
Seattle Weekly  |  Roger Downey  |  03-01-2006  |  Food+Drink

Losing the Patientnew

Doctors can call the operation a success, and lawyers win key points of their case -- but consumers get short shrift in Washington state's medical-malpractice bill.
Seattle Weekly  |  Nina Shapiro  |  03-01-2006  |  Science

The 'Jewish' Connew

Incarcerated gang members are abusing freedom of religion to get special treatment.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-01-2006  |  Crime & Justice

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