AltWeeklies Wire
Domestic Violencenew
Guess who's coming to dinner? Your boss's unstable wife and a host of hauntings.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
05-17-2006 |
Tags: Dominik Moll, Lemming
The New Disaster Movienew
The events of September 11 renewed Hollywood's appetite for destruction.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
05-17-2006 |
Partial Artsnew

Kaige proves we don't need another Hero.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
05-03-2006 |
Tags: Chen Kaige, The Promise
Paint It Blacknew
Zwigoff and Clowes's caustic college comedy is a portrait of the artist as a young scumbag.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
05-03-2006 |
The End of Violencenew
Vengeance is mined one last time as Chanwook concludes his viscerally traumatic trilogy.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
04-26-2006 |
Tags: Lady Vengeance, Park Chanwook
The Art of Dyingnew
A Romanian unknown's ode to mortality is the most remarkable film of the year so far.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
04-26-2006 |
A Flight to Remembernew
Paul Greengrass's visceral cine-memorial stakes its claim to authenticity.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
04-19-2006 |
This morbid romantic dramedy inspires cancer awareness.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
04-12-2006 |
Tags: Look Both Ways, Sarah Watt
Mysterious Skinnew
From porn to born again: Harron's reverent biopic contemplates its subject's essential innocence.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
04-12-2006 |
Down for the Countnew
A bubbly cast and clever banter can't overcome this film's blatant Tarantinoisms.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
04-05-2006 |
Tags: Lucky Number Slevin, Paul McGuigan
Romancing the Stonenew
This London-set sequel to the erotic trash classic is all talk and very little action.
The Village Voice |
Dennis Lim |
04-05-2006 |
For Love of Moneynew
Holofcener's wealth porn sitcom is not particularly lovely or amazing.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
04-05-2006 |
In a Lonely Placenew
This film recasts hard-boiled cliches as metaphors for teenage isolation.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
03-29-2006 |
Tags: Brick, Rian Johnson
Barney's Rubblenew
This new cremasturbatory art film exercises no restraint.
The Village Voice |
Ed Halter |
03-29-2006 |
Plains Loungenew
Buscemi's miserablist home movie tracks a sullen scribe's homecoming.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
03-22-2006 |
Tags: Steve Buscemi, Lonesome Jim