AltWeeklies Wire

'Push' Has Solid Premise But Not Much Elsenew

What Push's heroes need is super-Prozac. Instead they get one chase scene after another, as McGuigan plasters over the many plot holes with quick cuts, flashbacks, changes of film stock, and disturbing glimpses of Fanning’s milky upper thighs. It’s entertaining, in a nervous, just-ate-ten-boxes-of-Nerds kind of way.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ron Yamauchi  |  02-09-2009  |  Reviews

Slevin's 'Hip' Humor Is Downright Criminalnew

The plot of Lucky Number Slevin actually slows down, rather than speed up, as it approaches its predictable endgame, and nobody seems to invest any emotion in the characters.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Curt Holman  |  04-13-2006  |  Reviews

The Perfect April Movienew

Lucky Number Slevin has so much style that even an expository monologue can't ruin it.
Tucson Weekly  |  James DiGiovanna  |  04-12-2006  |  Reviews

Throws in Everything -- and the Towelnew

This fun but ultimately disappointing mistaken-identity thriller has style galore, which may actually be the crux of its problem.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  04-07-2006  |  Reviews

Miasma Vice

This is a carefree exercise in murder and retribution, more concerned with style than the moral implications of its protagonist's crusade.
Washington City Paper  |  Mark Jenkins  |  04-07-2006  |  Reviews

Crapping Outnew

Many things go wrong in the unfortunate Lucky Number Slevin.
Montreal Mirror  |  Mark Slutsky  |  04-07-2006  |  Reviews

Devoted to Glibnessnew

The Tarantino school of filmmaking reaches its nadir -- one hopes -- in this initially promising mistaken-identity caper.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  04-06-2006  |  Reviews

O Lucky Mannew

Josh Hartnett gets the best lines and Lucy Liu in this cleverly forgettable crime yarn.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  04-06-2006  |  Reviews

Down for the Countnew

A bubbly cast and clever banter can't overcome this film's blatant Tarantinoisms.
The Village Voice  |  Michael Atkinson  |  04-05-2006  |  Reviews

Let's Twist Again

Can't a movie like Lucky Number Slevin just be fun, without trying to impress us with its cleverness?
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  03-31-2006  |  Reviews

Picture Imperfectnew

Despite its marketing campaign, Wicker Park doesn’t fit neatly into any genre, and certainly not that of a thriller. But it is a strange, frequently suspenseful account of romantic fixation.
Jackson Free Press  |  Paul Dearing  |  09-08-2004  |  Reviews

Enter Park at Your Own Risknew

Paul McGuigan pulls out all the stops on his Wurlitzter Organ of Incessant Camera Trickery to muddy the waters of rationality in this bizarre remake of a fine French thriller.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  09-02-2004  |  Reviews

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