AltWeeklies Wire

A Mother Finally Got the Help She Needed for Her Troubled Son -- By Having Him Arrestednew

If you have a seriously mentally ill kid, and you can't afford treatment, you can have your kid hauled before a judge. And that judge has the power to get services for your kid -- as long as you're willing to give up custody of your child to the state of Arizona.
Phoenix New Times  |  Amy Silverman  |  10-13-2009  |  Children & Families

Joe Arpaio and Andrew Thomas: They're All About the Perp Walknew

Two weeks after the chaos of the Don Stapley arrest, the situation is clear: Maricopa County is captive to the whims of a police force all too eager to use its powers to harass its enemies and distract us from its manifold failures.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  10-13-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Diagnosing and Treating Autism is Especially Difficult for Immigrant Familiesnew

Learning how to navigate the bureaucratic world of disability services and special education in Arizona is enough to drive a parent mad. Add the extra obstacles that lower-income, Spanish-speaking immigrant families face, and you've got a "heartbreaking" situation.
Phoenix New Times  |  Malia Politzer  |  09-15-2009  |  Science

He Escaped His Blazing Home Using Scuba Gear; Now He’s Charged with Arsonnew

Shortly before Phoenix Fire Department investigators arrested Michael Marin for allegedly torching his plush Biltmore Estates mansion, he spoke about the fire he says almost stole his life.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  09-01-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Janet Napolitano Pulls a Switcheroo on the Pro-Immigrant Crowdnew

You'd have to mine Davy Jones' locker to discover the true depth of Napolitano's duplicity over the federal government's 287(g) program, the new rules for which were announced with great fanfare by the Department of Homeland Security two weeks ago.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  07-28-2009  |  Immigration

Things Get Nasty in the Phoenix Police Department's Homicide Bureaunew

A recently unsealed 26-page affidavit makes it clear that the homicide bureau is rife with backstabbing and gossip. Are these homicide detectives, or high school girls?
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  07-14-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Joe Arpaio's Immigration Raids at Water Parks Are All Wetnew

Despite the hullabaloo and expectations after the controversial Legal Arizona Workers Act went into effect, Maricopa County still has not filed any sanctions in cases against employers, nor has any of Arizona's 14 other county attorneys.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  07-14-2009  |  Immigration

Phoenix Police Raid a Local Pastor’s Home For Holding Church Servicesnew

Did the City of Phoenix overreach when it sent a swarm of police officers to local pastor Michael Salman's home to investigate an alleged zoning violation?
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  06-23-2009  |  Religion

Don't Even Think About Fighting Phoenix City Hall Unless You're a Good Old Boynew

Miriam Hayenga thought that she had a simple project, one that required no special favors from the city of Phoenix. Instead, she found herself in a nine-year nightmare.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  05-26-2009  |  Housing & Development

Phoenix Light Rail Operators Are Not Happynew

Phoenix Metro Light Rail operators don't have a contract — just grueling schedules and smelly passengers.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  04-28-2009  |  Transportation

Why Doesn't US Airways Have its Vindicated Employees' Back?new

The three flight attendants who reported a pilot reluctant to de-ice an aircraft's wings were hit with a defamation lawsuit in 2006. Although the lawsuit was dismissed, it looks unlikely that their employer will assist them with their legal bills.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  03-17-2009  |  Business & Labor

Has the Sanchez Family Been Wrongly Targeted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio?new

Here's the rub: In spite of their last name, none of the Sanchezes is Mexican. They are all Yaqui Indians; they are all American citizens; they are as legal as the sheriff's family. They are, however, brown.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  03-17-2009  |  Immigration

Will Phoenix's Camelback Neighborhood Become a Scientology Recruitment Mecca?new

If one talks at length with the concerned citizens who live in Phoenix's tony Camelback Village neighborhood, it becomes apparent that these nice people are afraid that their neighborhood will become known not for its neatly xeriscaped lawns, but for turning out culty radicals.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  02-10-2009  |  Religion

Flight Attendants Are Paying the Price for Speaking Upnew

Never mind that three flight attendants may well have saved America West Flight 851. The whistleblowers are on their own.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  02-03-2009  |  Business & Labor

Tempe Street Preacher Omar Call Preaches the Gospel of Atheismnew

Usually, street preachers share the word of God. But this blue velvet guy is a different kind of preacher. He's a devout non-believer, and he preaches atheism.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  12-30-2008  |  Religion

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