AltWeeklies Wire
Tamara Drewe is a Lively, If Flawed, Thomas Hardy Updatenew

This bustling country comedy achieves the goal of both invoking a certain English literary tradition and lightly satirizing our nostalgia for it.
Double Negative's Daydream Nationnew

Double Negative's not just keeping up with the hardcore kids; they're lapping the field.
Tags: Double Negative
Still Waiting for Leftynew

Last week, after 22 years, I left the Democratic Party.
INDY Week |
David Fellerath |
11-12-2010 |
Tags: DNC
Greg Humphreys' Realign Your Mindnew
For his second solo album, the lead soul man of Hobex and Dillon Fence delivers an intimate set of songs shadowed in twilight.
Tags: Realign Your Mind
Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War is a Familiar Tour of Dutynew

For Karl Marlantes, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, the publication of his book may very well exorcise his Vietnam demons. It may also do the same for his comrades in arms.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
11-10-2010 |
Tags: Vietnam War, Karl Marlantes
Filthybird Finally Flies--In Music and In Lovenew

Songs for Other People, Filthybird's second album, is an arduously made, exquisitely written record.
Tags: Filthybird
New Yorker Writer Ian Frazier's Travels in Siberianew

At nearly 500 pages long, Frazier's Siberia rambles through ancient history and contemporary anecdote, is full of both affection and frustration, and has a deliberately inconclusive ending. It seems appropriate.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
11-05-2010 |
Tags: Ian Frazier
Due Date Doesn't Delivernew

Robert Downey Jr. notwithstanding, the most conspicuous part of Due Date ends up being the "Welcome To" state border signs, since each one brings the film that much closer to ending.
Thanksgiving WIthout The Allergensnew

How to make Thanksgiving dinner for 20 guests without using butter, milk, eggs and flour.
INDY Week |
Staff |
11-05-2010 |
Tags: Gluten
Benoit Pioulard's Slipstream of Songnew

"Music ought to be revelatory to the artist. I'm positive I wouldn't be who I am had I never written a song or learned an instrument."
INDY Week |
Jesse Steichen |
11-04-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Benoit Pioulard
The Fresh & Onlys' Different Rocknew

The difference between surfaces and what's below them is a theme that runs through The Fresh & Onlys' music, a bright amalgam of garage, folk and psych. There's something idiosyncratic, however, in their meld of rock history and of-the-moment vision.
INDY Week |
Marc Masters |
11-03-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: The Fresh & Onlys
Le Weekend's DBLSCRT Tries Its Songs Both Waysnew

The trio's second album features five mismatched song pairs that present parallel-universe takes on a similar melodic idea.
Tags: DBLSCRT, Le Weekend
Sweet, Sweet Saccharinnew

Empty Pleasures views 20th-century America through the progress of its sweeteners.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
10-27-2010 |
Tags: Empty Pleasures
"It's just business. They aren't ever going to cure it, but they'll treat us forever."
INDY Week |
Katja Hill |
10-26-2010 |